20 miles to see me. they came down out of
the Gig & walked to whare I was, notwithstanding
they were Ministers yet I stood up & boldly declaired
unto them Jesus & testified unto them of the
great work of God in these last Days & the power
of God rested upon us, & they bowed down &
prayed & gave glory to God, & we all rose up
& the Gig stood still & we all went down
into the water at the same hour & I
Baptized them & lade my hands upon them
that they might receieve the Holy Hhost & they
went their way rejoiceing. I thent walked
to Moorends Cross & spent the night & preached
at Brother William Parsons & preached Baptized
5 persons more making 9 persons Baptized
^^ During the day I wrote a letter to Alfred Cordon
I Also confirmed 8 persons {Distance of the day} 6 mil
~ Wednesday
25th I wrote 2 Letters one to Elder Richards
& sent him a few words {of the Lord concerning him}
& one to Wm Clayton I walked to Woferwood
Common & preached to Allens & returned to the Hill farm & spent the night 12 mil.
I also wrote a letter to Elder John Taylor I received a Letter from Elder Clayton
20 miles to see me. they came down out of the
Gig & walked to whare I was, notwithstanding
they were Ministers yet I stood up & boldly declaired
unto them Jesus & testified unto them of the
great work of God in these last Days & the power
of God rested upon us, & they bowed down &
prayed & gave glory to God. & we all rose up
& the Gig stood still & we all went down
into the water at the same hour & I
Baptized them & lade my hands upon them
that they might receieve the Holy Hhost & they
went their way rejoiceing. I thent walked
to Moorends Cross & spent the night & preached
at Brother William Parsons & Baptized
5 persons more making 9 persons Baptized
[FIGURE] During the day I wrote a letter to Alfred Cordon
I Also confirmed 8 persons {Distance of the day} 6 mil
~ Wednesday
25th [FIGURE] I wrote 2 Letters one to Elder Richards
& sent him a few words {of the Lord concerning him}
& one to Wm Clayton I walked to Woferwood
Common & preached to Allens & returned to the
Hill farm & spent the night 12 mil.
[FIGURE] I also wrote a letter to Elder John Taylor
[FIGURE] I received a Letter from Elder Clayton
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1840 – December 31, 1840)," March 24, 1840 - March 25, 1840, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 4, 2025, https://2023.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/K2M