into their society and will go to the devil with them to if they do not look
out. I would not have a dollar on the Earth if I had to get it there, it
has been the kingdom of God with me and what I have I have got in
this kingdom. Well now some of the Elders are running after these
holes in the ground and I see men here before me in this house that
have no right to be here they are as corrupt in their harts as they
can be and we take them by the Hand and call them Brother you
will go to Hell lots of you unless you repent you may think this is
plain talk it is not as plain as you will find by and By. you will go
to the gates of Heaven and Jesus will say I never knew you, while you
have been saying your prayers and going to your Meetings and [are] as cor-
rupt in your hearts as man can be you had better stop now and
repent of your sins and sin no more while their is yet time and
before the doors are closed against you I want to awake you up
and if I had the power to lift the veil from your Eyes and let you
see things as they are you would be asstonished not but what there
are a great many of the people as good as they know how to be, now
I will say Bless the people that they may do better. But show some
of the Elders of Israel according to their present conduct a
dollar one one side and Eternal Life on the other and I fear they
would chuse the Dollar. We are now prepared to attend to Bap-
tizing and giving Endowments and shall appoint Tuesdays
and Wednesdays for Baptisms and Thursdays and Fridays
for Endowments and sealings as a standing appointment for
the present God Bless you Amen. I do not know whether the people
are satisfied with the services of the dedication of the Temple or not
I am not half satisfied and I never expect to be satisfied untill the devil is
whiped and driven from off the face of the Earth.
Jan 1, 1877
into their society and will go to the devil with them to if they do not look
out. I would not have a dollar on the Earth if I had to get it there, it
has been the kingdom of God with me and what I have I have got in
this kingdom Well now some of the Elders are running after these
holes in the ground and I see men here before me in this house that
have no right to be here they are as corrupt in their harts as they
can be and we take them by the Hand and call them Brother you
will go to Hell lots of you unless you repent you may think this is
plain talk it is not as plain as you will find by and By. you will go
to the gates of Heaven and Jesus will say I never knew you while you
have been saying your prayers and going to your Meeting and are as corrupt in your hearts as man can be you had better stop now and
repent of your sins and sin no more while their is yet time and
before the doors are closed against you I want to awake you up
and if I had the power to lift the veil from your Eyes and let you
see things as they are you would be asstonished not but what there
are a great many of the people as good as they know how to be, now
I will say Bless the people that they may do better But show some
of the Elders of Israel according to their present conduct a
dollar on one side and Eternal Life on the other and I fear they
would chuse the Dollar we are now prepared to attend to Baptizing and giving Endowments and shall appoint Tuesdays
and wednesdays for Baptisms and Thursdays and Fridays
for Endowments and sealings as a standing appointment for
the present God Bless you Amen I do not know whether the people
are satisfied with the services of the dedication of the Temple or not
I am not half satisfied and I never Expect to be satisfied untill the devil is
whiped and driven from off the face of the Earth.
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"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," January 1, 1877, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 15, 2025,