I will also say we have many Bishops & Elders who
have but one wife who are abundantly able to support more
but their wives will not let them do it, any man who
will permit a woman to lead him and bind him down
is of but little account in the Church o& kingdom of God
this law of the patriarchal order of marriage & pluraliy
of wives is a revelation & commandment of God to us
and we should obey it. But one says if you do judge MCKane will be after you. But who cares for Judge
McKain or any of the wicked world. This warefare
is between God & the Devil, Christ & Balial, Saint & Sinner
light & Darkness good & Evil. Do right and let the
consequences follow, Jesus Christ & his Saints will
overcome & gain the victory. What has given us the
victory since we have been in these vallies of the Mountains
The Lord hath done it because we have obeyed that part of
the Celestial Law of God, and it is by this principle that
our Delegate in Congress has been sustained there so
long because He has sustained this law. Then ye Bishops
& Elders arise & keep this law that you may inherit
its glory. Again I wished to say to the Bishops go
to & obey President Youngs council in storeing up the
grain of your wards, for I tell you in the name of
Jesus Christ that Famine is among the judgments of God
which are at the Door of this generation, and judgments
will begin at the House of God and to befor many years have
Have or els the Lord never spake by my mouth Amen
Oct 9, 1875
I will also say we have many Bishops & Elders who
have but one wife who are abundantly able to support more
but their wives will not let them do it, any man who
will permit a woman to lead him and bind him down
is of but little account in the Church& Kingdom of God
this law of the patriarchal order of marriage & pluraliy
of wives is a Revelation & Commandment of God to us
and we should obey it. But one says if you do judge
MCkane will be after you. But who cares for Judge
McKain or any of the wicked world. This warefare
is between God & the Devil, Christ & Balial, Saint & Sinner
light & Darkness good & Evil. Do Right and let the
consequences follow, Jesus Christ & his Saints will
overcome & gain the victory. What has given us the
victory since we have been in these vallies of the Mountains
The Lord hath done it because we have obeyed that part of
the Celestial Law of God, and it is by this principle that
our Delegate in Congress has been sustained there so
long because He has sustained this law. Then ye Bishops
& Elders arise & keep this law that you may inherit
its glory. Again I wish to say to the Bishops go
to & obey President Youngs council in storeing up the
grain of your wards, for I tell you in the name of
Jesus Christ that famine is among the judgments of God
which are at the Door of this generation, and judgments
will begin at the House of God and to befor many years
Have or Els the Lord never spake by my mouth Amen
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"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," October 9, 1875, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 11, 2025, https://2023.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/jqAy