it was near sunset. We watered our horse by leading him
down a 30 foot wall vary steep we then had to asscend
this steep trail to get to the top of the rock in order to get our
Horse up with us Br Hatch took the Bridle to lead & I Behind to
drive in several places we had to go 20 or 30 stone steps at
a time like going up a pair of stairs it was with great diff-
iculty that our hors or oursels got up all being weary
with our days work we saw many women carrying
water in Judgs [jugs] rolled in Blankets straped across their
heads we arived at the top of the rock at Dark all tiered
out we called at the first village Hano I found here
the chief of the village Cachaby The father of Polakki
that I became acquainted with at Moan Coppy
Brother Lot Smith was camped by a spring in a peach
orchard on the East side of the rock And as I was to
weary to go down to him having climbed 3000 feet &
travelled 10 miles during the day and visited several villiages
I proposed to Br Hatch to take the Horse & descend the East side
of the Mountain to Lot Smith camp and leave me with the Moquis for the night. The chief brought me a green Mell[on]
half squash to eat. I eat vary little of it He then walked
with me to the Middle village I there found a man by the name Misiamtoi He was called Si for short he could talk
fair English but Better spanish I was vary glad to meet
with him, as I could convers with him without
an interpeter, and I concluded to stay with him for the
night And quite a number gathered into his house
to see me and hear me talk vary soon Si's wife had
Oct 24 1881 1879
it was near sunset, we watered our horse by leading him
down a 30 foot wall vary steep we then had to asscend
this steep trail to get to the top of the rock in order to get our
Horse up with us Br Hatch took the Bridle to lead & I Behind to
drive in several places we had to go 20 or 30 stone steps at
a time like going up a pair of stairs it was with great difficulty that our hors or ourselves got up all being weary
with our days work we saw many women carrying
water in Judges jugs rolled in Blankets straped across their
heads we arived at the top of the rock at Dark all tiered
out we called at the first village Hano I found here
the chief of the village Cachaby The father of Polakki
that I became acquainted with at Moan Coppy
Brother Lot Smith was camped by a spring in a peach
orchard on the East Side of the rock And as I was to
weary to go down to him having climbed 3000 feet &
travelled 10 miles during the day and visited several villiages
I proposed to Br Hatch to take the Horse & descend the East side
of the Mountain to Lot Smith camp and leave me with the
Moquis for the night. The Chief brought me a green Mellon
half squash to eat. I eat vary little of it He then walked
with me to the Middle village I there found a man by the name
Misiamtoi He was called Si for short He could talk
fair English but Better spanish I was vary glad to meet
with him, as I could convers with him without
an interpeter, and I concluded to stay with him for the
night And quite a number gathered into his house
to see me and hear me talk vary soon Si's wife had
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"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," October 24, 1879, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 1, 2025,