30. Sunday 1 Letter I wrote No 15 I attended Meeting
in the Tabernacle in the Afternoon. L. D. Young Prayed Joseph F Smith spoke one hour and 27 Minuts at the close
of the Meeting we met in the Endowment House for prayer
I met in the 17 ward in the Evening and spoke to the people
~ Monday
Oct 1. I wote No 16, And attended council withe Twelve
I went to the farm in the Evening and spent the night ^6 M[iles]^
~ Tuesday
2 I received a letter No 7, wrote No 17 to Blake. I
came to the city with L W Hardy. I met in council with
the Twelve. W Woodruff E Snow was appointed a committee
to make arangements with Mr James to obtain pipeing to
warm St George Temple
~ Wednesday
3rd I received a letter and wrote one in return, No 18 ^I met in council with the Twelve^
~ Thursday
4. I received 2 letters, and wrote No 19. I met with
the Priesthood Meeting at 10 oclok and herd the report of the Presidents of all the stakes
Sept 26, 1877
Young, Barshbe Smith, Sister WellsEliza R. Snow, and
Phebe W Woodruff also Elder W. Woodruff spok 30 Minutes
at 4 oclok I met with the Twelve in the Endowment House
Had prayers and Decided in council upon several
subjects In the Evening I administered to Sister Gibbs
who was vary sick Br Taylor & G Q Cannon also
administered to her by the laying on of hands
~ Thursday
27 FIGURES I received 2 letters and wrot 2 No 12 I spent a
of the day in the Historian office
~ Friday
28. FIGURES I received two letters and wrote 1, No 13.
30. [FIGURE] Sunday 1 Letter I wrote No 15 I attended Meeting
in the Tabernacle in the Afternoon L. D. Young Prayed
Joseph F Smith spoke one hour and 27 Minuts at the close
of the Meeting we met in the Endowment House for prayer
I met in the 17 ward in the Evening and spoke to the people
~ Monday
Oct 1. [FIGURE] I wote No 16, And attended council withe Twelve
I went to the farm in the Evening and spent the night
~ Tuesday
2 FIGURES I received a letter No 7, wrote No 17 to Blake. I
came to the city with L W Hardy. I met in council with the Twelve W Woodruff E Snow was appointed a committee
to make arangements with Mr James to obtain pipeing to
warm St George Temple
~ Wednesday
3rd FIGURES I received a letter I met in council with the Twelve and wrote one in return, No 18
~ Thursday
4. FIGURES I received 2 letters, and wrote No 19. I met with
the Priesthood Meeting at 10 oclok and herd the report of the
Presidents of all the Stakes
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," September 26, 1877 - October 4, 1877, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 8, 2025, https://2023.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/KZzM