O God our Heavenly Father, the Father of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
Thou who hast created the Heavens the Earth the seas and the
fountains of living waters and all things that dwell therein
except of the gratitude of our hearts and the Thanksgiving of thy
people that Thou hast preserved theour lives of thy people to again
enter into another Temple which hath been built by thy Saints
in these vallies of the mountains in which to organize the Holy
Priesthood and to administer the ordinances of the gospel of
the Son of God both for the living and the dead. O our God we thy
sons and daughters have assembled together in the Name of thy
Son Jesus Christ within the walls of this Temple this day for the
purpose of dedicating and consecrating a portion of this house
unto the Lord our God that it may be Holy and acceptable in thy
sight. May the prayers of thy people ascend into thine ears O
Lord, and be heard and answerd upon their heads. We now
dedicate this Temple Block, the land, the water tank, the fencing,
and all appertaining thereto that it may be Holy in thy sight
we dedicate and consecrate the foundation upon which this
Temple stands that it may be Holy unto the Lord our God. This
foundation has been created through much labor and diligence
of thy servants, and we Pray O God that thy blessings may
rest upon it that it may remain as Firm as the foundation of
the Everlasting Hills that it may not be moved to the injury
of this Temple which is built upon its foundation. We dedicate
the outer walls of this Temple unto thy name O Lord that they may
be Holy and all the materials of which they are composed the
rock, the mortar, the sand, the lime, the plastering inside and out
Jan 1, 1877
The dedication Prayer of Elder Wilford Woodruff
O God our Heavenly Father, the Father of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
Thou who hast created the Heavens the Earth the seas and the
fountains of living waters and all things that dwell therein
except of the gratitude of our hearts and the Thanksgiving of thy
people that Thou hast Preservedour lives to again
enter into another Temple which hath been built by thy saints
in these vallies of the mountains in which to organize the Holy
Priesthood and to administer the ordinances of the gospel of
the Son of God both for the living and the dead. O our God we thy
sons and daughters have assembled together in the Name of thy
son Jesus Christ within the walls of this Temple this day for the
Purpose of dedicating and Consecrating a portion of this house
unto the Lord Our God that it may be Holy and acceptable in thy
sight. May the prayers of thy People ascend into thine ears O
Lord, and be heard and answerd upon their heads. We now
dedicate this Temple Block, the land, the water tank, the fencing,
and all appertaining thereto that it may be Holy in thy sight
we dedicate and consecrate the foundation upon which this
Temple stands that it may be Holy unto the Lord our God. This
foundation has been created through much labor and diligence
of thy servants, and we Pray O God that thy blessing may
rest upon it that it may remain as Firm as the foundation of
the Everlasting Hills that it may not be moved to the injury
of this Temple which is built upon its foundation. We dedicate
the outer walls of this Temple unto thy name O Lord that they may
be Holy and all the materials of which they are composed the
rock, the mortar, the sand, the lime, the plastering inside and out
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"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," January 1, 1877, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 10, 2025, https://2023.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/6R2R