while coming down Provo Canyon we met a company
of Men & boys Hunting an old she griserly bear & her two
cubs they had killed quite a Number of sheep, the
Man had got the two cubs would weigh about 100 lb
each & badly wounded the old one with several balls &
one leg broaken they probably got, wher. we soon
met another man who had killed a cinamon bear
31. The United Order of Salt Lake City No. 1
Met in the old Tabernacle at 10 oclok, being the first
Presidency, Twelve Apostles, & some fifty others without
wives. W Woodruff was Mouth in prayer
President Young had the Minutes read was excepted
the rules were then read twice and remarks made
by Elder John Taylor followed by an Address from
President Brigham Young. He said I am the President of
the Twelve Apostles & the Lord has Never acknowledged
any other man as the President of the Twelve except myself ownly
what was said about Thomas B. Marsh and it is the duty
of the Twelve to know the mind and will of God concerning them
and their duties as much as for me to know it
our wives were received into the order and children
while coming down Provo Canyon we met a company
of Men & boys Hunting an old she griserly bear & her two
cubs they had killed quite a Number of sheep, the
Man had got the two cubs would weigh about 100 lb
each & badly wounded the old one with several balls &
One leg broaken they probably got,her we soon
met another man who had killed a cinamon bear
On our arival in the city I called upon President
Young and Attended a Meeting of the board of the United
Order at his Office Elder G Q Cannon and myself called
upon Brother George Albert Smith and found him vary
low we laid hands upon him Administered to him
and blessed for the last time in this life [FIGURE]
~ Tuesday
31. FIGURES The United Order of Salt Lake City No. 1.
Met in the old Tabernacle at 10 oclok, being the first
Presidency, Twelve Apostles, & some fifty others without
wives W Woodruff was Mouth in prayer
President Young had the Minutes read was excepted
the Rules were then read twice and remarks made
by Elder John Taylor followed by an Address from
President Brigham Young He said I am the President of
the Twelve Apostles & the Lord has Never acknowledged
any other man as the President of the Twelve Except myself ownly
what was said about Thomas B. Marsh and it is the duty
of the Twelve to know the mind and will of God concerning them
and their duties as much as for me to know it
our wives were received into the order and children
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"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," August 30, 1875 - August 31, 1875, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 30, 2025, https://2023.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/ZVZQ