takes its flight for the realities of the eternal
world are resting upon him in mighty power &
when evry earthly support & prop fails him, he
then sensibly feels the eternal truths of the imm-
ortality of the soul. *Also the doctrin of Baptizi-
ng children or sprinkling them or they must
welter in Hell is a dectrin not true not supported
in Holy ^w^rit & is not consistant with the character
of God. The moment that children leave this world
they are taken to the bosom of Abraham. The
ownly difference between the old & young dying
is one lives longer in heaven & Eternal light
& glory than the other & was freed a little sooner
from this miserable wicked world. Notwithstanding
all this glory we for a moment loose sight of it &
mourn the loss but we do not mourn as those
without hope.* (We should take warning & not wait
for the death bed to repent) As we se[e] the infant
taken away by death, so may the youth & middle aged
as well as the infant suddenly be called into
eternity. Let this then proove as a warning to all
not to procrastinate repentance or wait till a death
bed, for it is the will of God that man should repent
& serve him in health & in the strength & power
of his mind in order to secure his blessings & not wait
untill he is called to die.
"My intention (says the speaker)
was to have treated upon the subject of Baptism.
But having a case of death before us I thought it
proper to refer to that subject. I will now however
say a few words upon that subject ^Baptism^ as intended
God has made certain decreas which are fixed & unalt-
erable. for instance God set the sun, the moon,
the stars in the heavens, & gi[v]en them their laws
conditions, & bounds which they cannot pass except
by his command. they all move in perfect harmony
in there sphere & order & are as wonders, lights &
signs unto us. The sea also has its bounds which
it cannot pass. God has set many signs in the earth
as well as in heaven for instance the oaks of the forest
the fruit of the tree, the herd of the field all bear a
sign that seed hath been planted there.
takes its flight for the realities of the eternal
world are resting upon him in mighty power &
when evry earthly support & prop fails him, he
then sensibly feels the eternal truths of the immortality of the Soul. *Also the doctrin of Baptizing children or sprinkling them or they must
welter in Hell is a doctrin not true not supported
in Holy writ & is not consistant with the character
of God. The moment that children leave this world
they are taken to the bosom of Abraham. The
ownly difference between the old & young dying
is one lives longer in heaven & Eternal light
& glory than the other & was freed a little sooner
from this miserable wicked world. Notwithstanding
all this glory we for a moment loose sight of it &
mourn the loss but we do not mourn as those
without hope. ink color change * (We should take warning & not wait
for the death bed to repent) As we see the infant
taken away by death, so may the youth & middle aged
as well as the infant suddenly be called into
eternity. Let this then proove as a warning to all
not to procrastinate repentance or wait till a death
bed, for it is the will of God that man should repent
& serve him in health & in the strength & power
of his mind in order to secure his blessings & not wait
untill he is called to die.
"My intention (says the speaker)
was to have treated upon the subject of Baptism,
But having a case of death before us, I thought it
proper to refer to that subject. I will now however
say a few words upon Baptism as intended
God has made certain decreas which are fixed & unalterable, for instance God set the sun, the moon,
the stars in the heavens, & given them their laws
conditions, & bounds which they cannot pass except
by his command, they all move in perfect harmony
in there sphere & order & are as wonders, lights &
signs unto us. The sea also has its bounds which
it cannot pass God has set many signs in the earth
as well as in heaven for instance the oaks of the forest
the fruit of the tree, the herd of the field all bear a
sign that seed hath been planted there.
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"Journal (January 1, 1841 – December 31, 1842)," March 20, 1842, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 11, 2025, https://2023.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/79w