Nov 17th Went to Covington crossed the Ohio River into Cincinnati visited the city & saw Conway & webster
who informed me that Brother Asahel H Woodruff had
located himself in Terrehaute Indiania & traiding
in Books in company with Robert Smith. I Also saw
the Dead & wounded carried from off the steem
Boat FLORA. 3 dead & 10 scalded by the bursting
of her pipes spent the night at Cincinnati on board
the Robert Emmet distance of the day 6 miles
~ Friday
18 Left Cincinnati on board the Robert Emmet & trav-
led during the day & night to Portsmouth 118 m[iles]
~ Saturday
19 In the morning I saw a large Buck swiming down
the River three men Left the Emmet in a yawl &
Persued the deer they soon overtook him grappled
him by the horns, nocked him ion the head with
their oars then cut his throat & brought him on
board the steem boat & cut off his head & stuck
it upon the liberty pole with his horns spread for
a guide to the Pilot. The steem Boat travled
during this day & night to Parkersburg 162 miles
Paid Passage on Board the Emmet $3.50 cts
~ Sunday
20 Sunday Proceded up the River Past Homrily & stop'd
at Wheeling in Virginia It was the first time that I
ever was in the state from thence to Wellsville
distance of the day 137 miles
22 Spent the day at Elder Burwells in Wellsville in the
evening Elder Burwell returned home {I had a happy interview with [him]}
~ Wednesday
23 We took the stage at Wellsville Paid $4.00 dollars
fare to Chardon we travled to Nutons falls &
spent the night at the stage office {Distance} 47 miles
~ Thursday
24 Travled to Chardon & Providentially met with Elder Henry
Sherwood on his way to Tenn[essee] we had a happy interview
with him I wrote a Letter to the Saints {Distance} 33 miles
~ Thursday
Nov 17th Went to Covington Crossed the Ohio River into
Cincinnati visited the city & saw Conway & Webster
who informed me that Brother Asahel H Woodruff had
located himself in Terrehaute Indiania & traiding
in Books in company with Robert Smith. I Also saw
the Dead & wounded carried from off the Steem
Boat FLORA. 3 dead & 10 scalded by the bursting
of her pipes Spent the night at Cincinnati on board
the Robert Emmet distance of the day 6 miles
~ Sunday
18 Left Cincinnati on board the Robert Emmett & trav
led during the day & night to Portsmouth 118 miles
~ Sunday
19 In the morning I saw a large Buck swiming down
the River three men Left the Emmet in a yawl &
Persued the deer they soon overtook him grappled
him by the horns, nocked him on the head with
their oars then cut his throat & brought him on
board the steem boat & cut off his head & stuck
it upon the liberty pole with his horns spread for
a guide to the Pilot. The Steem Boat travled
during this day & night to Parkersburg 162 miles
Paid Passage on Board the Emmet $3.50 cts
~ Sunday
20 Sunday Proceded up the River Past Homrily & stop'd
at Wheeling in Virginia It was the first time that I
ever was in the state from thence to Wellsville
distance of the day 137 miles
22 Spent the day at Elder Burwells in Wellsville in the
evening Elder Burwell returned home {I had a two words illegible with him}
~ Wednesday
23 We took the stage at Wellsville Paid $4.00 dollars
fare to Chardon we travled to Nutons falls &
spent the night at the stage office {Distance} 47 miles
~ Thursday
24 Travled to Chardon & Providentially met with Elder Henry
Sherwood on his way to Tenne We had a happy interview
with him I wrote a Letter to the saints {Distance} 33 miles
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (December 29, 1833 – January 3, 1838)," November 17, 1836 - November 24, 1836, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025,