thee and reveal unto thee thy duty yea and give unto
the[e] many instructions. Thou shalt have the spirit of God
to instruct thee in thy mission and lead thee into all truth
thou shalt be filled with the spirit of God. Thine eyes shall
be opened to look within the veil and behold the things of
eternity. ^Yea the Lord of glory shall appear unto thee thou shalt put thy hands upon
his feet and feel his wounds with thy hands that thou mayest be a special witness
of his name^ Thou shalt understand great mysteries in this
generation, Yea all the mysteries of the kingdom of God
and the wisdom of God shall cleave unto thee. I seal
all of thy former blessings on thy head and they shall be
fulfiled. Thou shalt be a great man in the earth. Thy inte
llectual powers shall be preserved and thy understan
ding shall be great. God has looked on thee from all
eternity and has known thy Blood thou art a des^c^end-
ent of JOSEPH. Thou shalt stand in the flesh & wit
ness the winding up scene of this generation Thou shalt
remain on the earth to behold thy sSavior come in the clouds
of heaven. Thou shalt be numbered with the one hundred
forty and four thousand and shall stand upon Mount
Zion and shall sing a song that no man can learn or
sing except thy company. Thou shalt have access to the
treasures hid in the sand to assist thy necessities. An angel
of God shall show thee the treasures of the earth that thou
mayest have riches to assist thee in gathering many orphan
children to Zion. Thou art one of the horns of Joseph to
push the people together to the ends of the earth. [Deuteronomy 33:17] No power
shall stay thee. At thy word the winds shall be stayed. Thou
shalt walk upon the waters at thy command the waters
shall be divided, Prisons, chains, and vaults shall not hold thee ^for thou shalt rend them in twain^
thou shalt be deliverd out of the hands of thy enemies by
the mighty power of God and by the prayer of faith. Thou
shalt have great blessing Thou art of the Blood of Ephraim
if thou will claim it by faith thou mayest bring all of thy rela-
tives into the kingdom of God ^see Vol 2nd July 1, 1838^ for they are of the blood of Ephraim
In the name of Jesus Christ I seal this blessing on thy head by
the authority of the Holy Priesthood I seal thee up unto
Eternal Life even so. AMEN [FIGURE]
thee and reveal unto thee thy duty yea and give unto
thee many instructions. Thou shalt have the spirit of God
to instruct thee in thy mission and lead thee into all truth
thou shalt be filled with the spirit of God. Thine eyes shall
be opened to look within the veil and behold the things of
eternity. Yea the Lord of glory shall appear unto thee thou shalt put thy hands upon
his feet and feel his wounds with thy hands that thou mayest be a special witness
of his name Thou shalt understand great mysteries in this
generation. Yea all the mysteries of the kingdom of God
and the wisdom of God shall cleave unto thee. I seal
all of thy former blessings on thy head and they shall be
fulfiled. Thou shalt be a great man in the earth. Thy inte
llectual powers shall be preserved and thy understan
ding shall be great. God has looked on thee from all
eternity and has known thy Blood thou art a descend
ent of JOSEPH. Thou shalt stand in the flesh & wit
ness the winding up scene of this generation. Thou shalt
remain on the earth to behold thy Savior come in the clouds
of heaven. Thou shalt be numbered with the one hundred
forty and four thousand and shall stand upon Mount
Zion and shall sing a song that no man can learn or
sing except thy company. Thou shalt have access to the
treasures hid in the sand to assist thy necessities. An angel
of God shall show thee the treasures of the earth that thou
mayest have riches to assist thee in gathering many orphan
children to zion. Thou art one of the horns of Joseph to
push the people together to the ends of the earth. No power
shall stay thee. At thy word the winds shall be stayed. Thou
shalt walk upon the waters at thy command the waters
shall be divided. Prisons, chains, and vaults shall not hold thee
for thou shalt rend them in twain
Thou shalt be deliverd out of the hands of thy enemies by
the mighty power of God and by the prayer of faith. Thou
shalt have great blessing Thou art of the Blood of Ephraim
if thou will claim it by faith thou mayest bring all of the rela
tives into the kingdom of God see Vol 2nd July 1. 1838 for they are of the blood of Ephraim
In the name of Jesus Christ I seal this blessing on thy head by
the authority of the Holy Priesthood I seal thee up unto
Eternal Life even so. AMEN [FIGURE]
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"Journal (December 29, 1833 – January 3, 1838)," April 15, 1837, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 11, 2025,