Joseph uttered the feelings of his soul in pain while
viewing the poverty & afflictions of Ephraim or
the Saints in Kirtland at least that fals brethren
should be whited walls [Acts 23:3] & bring perrils upon the
Saints. Joseph is as a father to Ephraim & to all
Israel in these last days, he mourns because
of unbelief & the negligence manifest with ma-
ny who have receieved the gospel in obeying
the commands of God he fears lest ^but^ few
be left to receieve an inheritance. There is
not a greater man than Joseph standing in
this generation. The gentiles look upon him
& he is to them like bed of Gold conceled
from human view: they know not his prin-
ciple, his spirit, his wisdom, virtue, phylanthr-
opy, nor his calling. His mind like Enoch's
swells wide as eternity Nothing short of a
God can comprehend his soul
~ Monday
April 10th I wrote two letters to the land
of Zion one to Elder A. O. Smoot & the
other to Elder Alexander
A conference of Elders is to be held at Mane Aug 12th & 13th AD 1837 on Saturday & Sunday
My first acquaintance with Miss Phebe W. Carter was
on the eve of the 28th of Jan[uary] 1837 at which time I
was introduc'd to her at Elder Milliken's by the politeness
of Elder M. Holmes after two & half months acquai-
ntance we were joined in Matrimony the account of
which will be found ion the following pages
Joseph uttered the feelings of his soul in pain while
viewing the poverty & afflictions of Ephraim or
the Saints in Kirtland at least that fals brethren
should be whited walls & bring perrils upon the
Saints. Joseph is as a father to Ephraim & to all
Israel in these last days, he mourns because
of unbelief & the negligence manifest with ma
ny who have receieved the gospel in obeying
the commands of God he fears lest but few
be left to receieve an inheritance. There is
not a greater man than Joseph standing in
this generation. The gentiles look upon him
& he is to them like bed of Gold conceled
from human view: they know not his prin
ciple, his spirit, his wisdom, virtue, phylanthr
opy, nor his calling. His mind like Enochs
swells wide as eternity Nothing short of a
God can comprehend his soul
~ Monday
April 10th I wrote two letters to the land
of Zion one to Elder A. O. Smoot & the
other to Elder Alexander
A conference of Elders to be held at
Mane Aug 12th & 13th AD 1837. on Saturday & Sunday
My first acquaintance with Miss Phebe W. Carter was
on the eve of the 28th of Jany 1837 at which time I
was introduc'd to her at Elder Milliken's by the politeness
of Elder M. Holmes after two & half months acquaintance we were joined in Matrimony the account of
which will be found on the following pages
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (December 29, 1833 – January 3, 1838)," April 9, 1837 - April 10, 1837, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 14, 2025,