Amen. & Amen. & Hosanna. Hosanna. Hosanna. to GOD
& the LAMB. Amen. Amen. & Amen. This was repeated
as it is written & if ever a shout entered the cabinet of
heaven that did & was repeated by angels on high
& caused the power of God to rest upon us.
(O, ye Priest of Baal. O, ye Gentile religionest O, ye inha-
bitants of Babylon possessing the mark of the beast what
knowledge have ye of the ordinances or blessings or
virtues of the house & Church of God) Great and
marvelous are the blessings and power of the ordinan-
ces of the Lord & his gospel made manifest on these occas-
ions. After being in the upper room about two hours
we again Joined the congregation of the Saints in the
lower court & the house came to order for the busi-
ness of the day, the veils were closed & each apartment
commenced the duties of the day the washing of the
feet of the anointed was the first business that
was performed. The twelve assisted our presidency
in washing the feet. Elder Heber Kimble one of the twelve
apostles attended to the washing of my feet & prophesied
upon my head & pronounced me clean from the Blood
of this generation this as it was with JESUS when
he washed his deciples feet. great were the blessings
that rested upon us in this ordinance. After the washing
of feet, the veils were rolled, which brought the con-
gregation into one assembly, the stand of the priesthood
were still coverd with the veils the Presidency stood
in the lower stand & President Joseph Smith jr arose
and addressed the congregation for the term of three
hours clothed with the power, spirit, & image of GOD
He unbosom'd his mind & feelings in the house of his
friends. He presented many things of vast importance to the
minds of the Elders of Israel. O that they might be written
upon our hearts as with an iron pen to remain forever
that we might practice them in our lives. That fountain
of light, principle & virtue that came forth out of
Amen. & Amen. & Hosanna. Hosanna. Hosanna. to GOD
& the LAMB. Amen. Amen. & Amen. This was repeated
as it is written & if ever a shout entered the cabinet of
heaven that did & was repeated by angels on high
& caused the power of God to rest upon us.
(O, ye Priest of Baal. O, ye Gentile religionest O. ye inha
bitants of Babylon possessing the mark of the beast what
knowledge have ye of the ordinances or blessings or
virtues of the house & church of God) Great and
marvelous are the blessings and power of the ordinances of the Lord & his gospel made manifest on these occasions. After being in the upper room about two hours
we again joined the congregation of the saints in the
lower court & the house came to order for the busi
ness of the day, the veils were closed & each apartment
commenced the duties of the day the washing of the
feet of the anointed was the first business that
was performed. The twelve assisted our presidency
in washing the feet Elder Heber Kimble one of the twelve
apostles attended to the washing of my feet & prophesied
upon my head & pronounced me clean from the Blood
of this generation this as it was with JESUS when
he washed his deciples feet. great were the blessings
that rested upon us in this ordinance. After the washing
of feet, the veils were rolled, which brought the congregation into one assembly, the stand of the priesthood
were still coverd with the veils the Presidency stood
in the lower stand & President Joseph Smith jr arose
and addressed the congregation for the term of three
hours clothed with the power, spirit, & image of GOD
He unbosom'd his mind & feelings in the house of his
friends. He presented many things of vast importance to the
minds of the Elders of Israel. O that they might be written
upon our hearts as with an iron pen to remain forever
that we might practice them in our lives. That fountain
of light, principle & virtue that came forth out of
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (December 29, 1833 – January 3, 1838)," April 6, 1837, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 14, 2025,