Rode to MAG [Major] Beards preached at his house then
to Br FrysEgle Creek distance 26 miles
June 28, 1835 ~ Sunday
On the LORDS DAY Brother WARREN PARRISH preached his farewell sermon
to the Egle Creek branch of the Church of Latter
Day Saints Elder Calvin H Nicholson was present
As Br Parrish was one of the seventy chosen it became
necessary for him to return to ki[r]tland it also became
necessary for him to set the churches in order before
his departure & ordain such as should be chosen by
the gifts & callings of God to watch over the Church
And on the 28 of June 1835 brother Warren Parrish
ordained me an Elder & brother Caswell Medlock
was ordained A Deacon over the Egle Creek branch
I wrote & presented A reccommend to the Church ie
Reccommending br Parrish to the bishop & Church in
general it was signed by the male members We
truly had an affecting time, partook of the sacrament
closed the meeting by singing A farewell song, then
rode to brother Medlocks with Elders Parish & Nicholson
As I am now called to the office of an Elder I think it pr^o^per
before further giving an account of my travels to ocipy [occupy]
A space in aranging my travels while I was A Teacher
A Priest &c whare & how far I traveled & who with
And how many baptized &c &c
Rode to Mag Beards preached at his house then
to Br FrysEgle Creek distance 26 miles
June 28, 1835 ~ Sunday
On the LORDS DAY Brother
WARREN PARRISH Preached his farewell sermon
to the Egle Creek branch of the Church of Latter
Day Saints. Elder Calvin H Nicholson was present
As Br Parrish was one of the seventy chosen it became
necessary for him to return to kitland it also became
necessary for him to set the churches in order before
his departure & ordain such as should be chosen by
the gifts & callings of God to watch over the Church
And on the 28 of June 1835 brother Warren Parrish
Ordained me an Elder & brother Caswell Medlock
was ordained a Deacon over the Egle Creek branch
I wrote & presented A reccommend to the Church ie
Reccommending br Parrish to the bishop & Church in
general it was signed by the male members We
truly had an affecting time, partook of the sacrament
closed the meeting by singing a farewell song then
rode to brother Medlocks with Elders Parish & Nicholson
As I am now called to the office of an Elder I think it proper
before further giving an account of my travels to ocipy
A space in aranging my travels while I was a Teacher
A Priest &c whare & how far I traveled & who with
and how many baptized &c &c
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (December 29, 1833 – January 3, 1838)," June 24, 1835 - June 28, 1835, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 8, 2025,