years in the temple of our God have got
their liberty to go out and commence
their mission and their work in the
earth, and they are here today in the
earth. I feel bold in saying this to the
Latter-day Saints. There is a meaning
in these judgments. The cannot fall unfulfilled. If you
want to know what is coming to pass,
read the revelations of St. , read
the Book of Mormon and the Book of
Doctrine and Covenants, and these
things are at our door. What is the
matter with this nation? Thousands of
men striking, mobs rising up and des-
troying property, and tribulation pre-
vailing! I want to say that you will all
find before you are many years older
that is a pretty good place to
live in.
So far as our temporal matters are
concerned, we have got to go to work
and provide for ourselves. The day
will come when, as we have been told,
we shall all see the necessity of making
our own shoes and clothing and raising
our own food, and uniting together to
carry out the purposes of the Lord.
We will be preserved in the mountains
of Israel in the day of God's judgment.
I therefore say to you, my brethren and
sisters, prepare for that which is to
come. You have a great future before
you. There is a change coming over
the world with regard to Zion. The
day is coming when the world will say,
"Let us not go up to battle against Zion,
for the inhabitants of Zion are terrible;
wherefore we cannot stand." [Doctrine and Covenants 45:70] They will
find that the power of God is with this
people. We want to prepare ourselves
for this, and sanctify ourselves before
the Lord that we may be prepared to
carry out our mission.
Revelation is with us, and it is with
you. Let us be united and do our duty.
Search the scriptures, for they testify of
these things. I pray God that His
blessings may be over us, that our eyes
may be opened to see, our ears to hear,
and our hearts to understand the things
of the kingdom of God, that we may be
prepared to work with those upon the
other side of the veil; for these great
events that are rolling upon the earth
will come to pass, and no power on
earth can stay them. They are declared
by the revelations of God and must be
fulfilled. God bless us all and lead us
into all truth, for Jesus' sake. Amen.
years in the temple of our God have got
their liberty to go out and commence
their mission and their work in the
earth, and they are here today in the
earth. I feel bold in saying this to the
Latter-day Saints. There is a meaning
in these judgments. The word of the
Lord cannot fall unfulfilled. If you
want to know what is coming to pass,
read the revelations of St. John, read
the Book of Mormon and the Book of
Doctrine and Covenants, and these
things are at our door. What is the
matter with this nation? Thousands of
men striking, mobs rising up and destroying property, and tribulation prevailing! I want to say that you will all
find before you are many years older that is a pretty
good place to live in.
So far as our temporal matters are
concerned, we have got to go to work
and provide for ourselves. The day
will come when, as we have been told,
we shall all see the necessity of making
our own shoes and clothing and raising
our own food, and uniting together to
carry out the purposes of the Lord.
We will be preserved in the mountains
of Israel in the day of God's judgment.
I therefore say to you, my brethren and
sisters, prepare for that which is to
come. You have a great future before
you. There is a change coming over
the world with regard to Zion. The
day is coming when the world will say,
"Let us not go up to battle against Zion,
for the inhabitants of Zion are terrible;
wherefore we cannot stand." They will
find that the power of God is with this
people. We want to prepare ourselves
for this, and sanctify ourselves before
the Lord that we may be prepared to
carry out our mission.
Revelation is with us, and it is with
you. Let us be united and do our duty.
Search the scriptures, for they testify of
these things. I pray God that His
blessings may be over us, that our eyes
may be opened to see, our ears to hear,
and our hearts to understand the things
of the kingdom of God, that we may be
prepared to work with those upon the
other side of the veil; for these great
events that are rolling upon the earth
will come to pass, and no power on
earth can stay them. They are declared
by the revelations of God and must be
fulfilled. God bless us all and lead us
into all truth, for Jesus' sake. Amen.