eternal truth and the revelations
which God has given through his
servant , or the things which
he has revealed during the past
winter through the mouth of his
servants unto the inhabitants of this
, or those which he has revealed
unto the inhabitants of the earth,
then they are prepared to be benefitted
by those blessings which are poured
out upon them. Any of you that have
experienced this blessing—and I pre-
sume that all have at times—have been
astonished at certain periods of their
lives that there has been such a
difference in their minds. I know
this is the case with myself, and I
presume it is with others. There have
been times that the vision of my mind
has been opened to comprehend the
word of God and the teachings of his
servants. The vision of my mind has
been opened and quickened by the
power of God and the , so that when I have sat here
and heard the and the
servants of God teach the principle of
righteousness and the word of God
unto us, I have felt the force, the
power, and the importance of these
eternal truths which they have pre-
sented unto our minds, while at other
times the same truths may have been
taught, but they have passed off
without making the same impression
upon my mind.
We have, as brother says,
spent an interesting time the past win-
ter. Much truth has been spoken:
men have been inspired by the gift
and power of the Holy Ghost to teach
us the things of God; and this I
consider to be a matter of great
importance to the people. I consider
it important that we labour to obtain
that Spirit, to have it increased upon
us, and carry it with us, that when we
hear teaching our minds may be
prepared to receive it. Why is it that
this Gospel of the kingdom has been
preached to the world for twenty-five
years, and that there are but so small
a number of the children of men who
have received those truths, been
governed by them, and suffered them
to govern one single act of their
lives? It is because their minds
have been darkened and have not
valued the Gospel, or considered the
consequences of rejecting it. It is
true we have a large congregation
here to-day, and that there are a
few thousands in these valleys and
throughout this . Yet com-
pare them with the masses of mankind,
and how few they are. I am not
capable of making a calculation to
say whether there is one to five or ten
thousand who have embraced the
Gospel. One of the old Prophets said
that there would be one of a city and
two of a family. This has been fulfilled
in many instances. When the Elders
proclaimed the Gospel unto you, those
of you who are here received that
word, meditated upon it, so much so
that you have been willing to forsake
all that you possessed and come to
Zion. The seed has produced good
fruit; it has caused you to come to
Zion; but there are millions of the
masses who heard the Gospel, but they
have hardened their hearts and dark-
ness has taken hold of their minds,
and hence they have rejected the
Spirit of God which has striven with
them: they, in acting upon their
agency, have given way to seducing
spirits and rejected the Gospel of
Christ, and consequently the has been withdrawn from them;
and because of this the Lord has been
taking his Spirit from the nations of
the earth. We see the fruits of it. It
needs no argument to prove a truth
so visible.
I will now say that inasmuch as
many of us have received the Gospel
and gathered with the Saints of God,
it is important that we labour to-day—
that we live under the influence of
that Spirit, that it may continue to
eternal truth and the revelations
which God has given through his
servant , or the things which
he has revealed during the past
winter through the mouth of his
servants unto the inhabitants of this
, or those which he has revealed
unto the inhabitants of the earth,
then they are prepared to be benefitted
by those blessings which are poured
out upon them. Any of you that have
experienced this blessing—and I presume that all have at times—have been
astonished at certain periods of their
lives that there has been such a
difference in their minds. I know
this is the case with myself, and I
presume it is with others. There have
been times that the vision of my mind
has been opened to comprehend the
word of God and the teachings of his
servants. The vision of my mind has
been opened and quickened by the
power of God and the gift of the Holy
Ghost, so that when I have sat here
and heard the Presidency and the
servants of God teach the principle of
righteousness and the word of God
unto us, I have felt the force, the
power, and the importance of these
eternal truths which they have presented unto our minds, while at other
times the same truths may have been
taught, but they have passed off
without making the same impression
upon my mind.
We have, as brother says,
spent an interesting time the past winter. Much truth has been spoken:
men have been inspired by the gift
and power of the Holy Ghost to teach
us the things of God; and this I
consider to be a matter of great
importance to the people. I consider
it important that we labour to obtain
that Spirit, to have it increased upon
us, and carry it with us, that when we
hear teaching our minds may be
prepared to receive it. Why is it that
this Gospel of the kingdom has been
preached to the world for twenty-five
years, and that there are but so small
a number of the children of men who
have received those truths, been
governed by them, and suffered them
to govern one single act of their
lives? It is because their minds
have been darkened and have not
valued the Gospel, or considered the
consequences of rejecting it. It is
true we have a large congregation
here to-day, and that there are a
few thousands in these valleys and
throughout this . Yet compare them with the masses of mankind,
and how few they are. I am not
capable of making a calculation to
say whether there is one to five or ten
thousand who have embraced the
Gospel. One of the old Prophets said
that there would be one of a city and
two of a family. This has been fulfilled
in many instances. When the Elders
proclaimed the Gospel unto you, those
of you who are here received that
word, meditated upon it, so much so
that you have been willing to forsake
all that you possessed and come to
Zion. The seed has produced good
fruit; it has caused you to come to
Zion; but there are millions of the
masses who heard the Gospel, but they
have hardened their hearts and darkness has taken hold of their minds,
and hence they have rejected the
Spirit of God which has striven with
them: they, in acting upon their
agency, have given way to seducing
spirits and rejected the Gospel of
Christ, and consequently the Spirit of
God has been withdrawn from them;
and because of this the Lord has been
taking his Spirit from the nations of
the earth. We see the fruits of it. It
needs no argument to prove a truth
so visible.
I will now say that inasmuch as
many of us have received the Gospel
and gathered with the Saints of God,
it is important that we labour to-day—
that we live under the influence of
that Spirit, that it may continue to