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Harold B. Lee Library

Collection Name Deseret News
Collection Description The Deseret News was the first newspaper published in the Utah Territory: the weekly edition began June 15, 1850; the semi-weekly edition was added October 8, 1865; and the daily edition began November 21, 1867.
Collection Number Deseret News 1882-06-21
Collection Box Volume 31
Collection Folder Number 22
Collection Page 338
Source Link Brigham Young University
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118 mentions
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43 mentions
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159 mentions
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119 mentions
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Joseph Smith (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Emma Hale Smith Bidamon
10 Jul 1804 - 30 Apr 1879
Brigham Young
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3472 mentions
Apostle, Family


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With regard to redemption, Paul said: All the children of Adam are redeemed from the fall by the aton- ing blood of Jesus, and all infants are redeemed as well as other peo- ple. There is no infant or child that has died before arriving at the years of accountability, but what is redeemed, and is therefore entirely beyond the torments of hell, to use a sectarian term. And any doctrine, such as the sprinkling of infants or any religious rite for lit- tle children is of no effect whatever neither in this world nor in the world to come. It is a man-made doctrine, and therefore not ordained of God; and I will defy any man to find in any of the records of divine truth any ordinance instituted for the salvation of little innocent chil- dren; it would be unnecessary on the face of it, and the only thing that can be found is where Jesus took the little ones in his arms and blessed them, which is and would be perfectly right to do according to the order of God. But the sprinkl- ing of infants or the doctrine that infants go to hell under any circum- stances is a doctrine ordained of man and not of God, and is there- for of no avail and entirely wrong and displeasing in the sight of God. So much about the infants. I will say again they are redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ, and when they die, whether of Christian, Pa- gan or Jewish parentage, their spirits are taken home to God who gave them, and never go to suffer torments of any kin
~ Wilford Woodruff
If there is an Emperor, a King, a President, a ruler of any nation or people, whe- ther a monarchy, kingdom or repub- lic, that takes away from any of his subjects or fellow-citizens the right to worship God according to the dictates of their own conscien- ces, he deprives them of a right which the God of heaven has guar- anteed unto them. These are the sentiments of the Latter-day Saints. We believe in giving to all men freedom, freedom in spirit and action; we believe in religionists of every creed and faith enjoying the liberty to worship God according to the dictates of their own consciences, which right is guaranteed unto them by God Himself; and the man or set of men that would de- prive their fellows of this God-given right assumes a responsibility that they must answer for before the bar of God. If I had the power and control of the whole world I would never think of depriving any man, woman or child of this natural; this inherent right, whether their reli- gious views were true or false. Can you find from history that God at any time forced any man to heaven or Hell? No, you can not. And we as Latter-day Saints claim this right and privilege for ourselves to wor- ship God, to believe in God, and to believe in the records of divine truth—the Bible, the Book of Mor- mon, the Doctrine and Covenants and the revelations of God.
~ Wilford Woodruff
And I will here say, as I wish to be understood by all men, that our faith is, there never has been but one Gospel upon the earth though to-day there are six hundred three score and six different religi- ous faiths, all more or less diverse one from another; but there is but the one true and everlasting Gospel, and never will be any more, and it is the same Gospel that was taught to Adam, to Noah, to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the Patriarchs, and which Jesus and the Apostles preach- ed; it never did vary in the least in one single instance, nor never will. And I say, if we teach any other Gospel than that which was taught by Jesus and His Apostles, we teach a false Gospel, and shall be under condemnation before God, angels and men.
~ Wilford Woodruff

I have heard many men say, no ordinances are necessary, that belief only in the Lord Jesus Christ is ne- cessary to be saved. I have not learned that myself from any reve- lation of God to man, either ancient or modern. But on the contrary, faith in Christ, repentance, and baptism for the remission of sins were taught by patriarchs and prophets and by Jesus Christ and His Apos- tles. Baptism for the remission of sins is an ordinance of the Gospel. Says one, baptism is not essential to salvation. Jesus not only taught it but rendered obedience himself to that requirement, not that He was baptized for the remission of sins, but, as He said, "to fulfill all righte- ousness," thus in this, as in all other respects giving the example for all who follow. When these principles of the Gospel are complied with a man is then a fit subject to receive the Holy Ghost; and this holy gift is bestowed to-day as it was ancient- ly, by the laying on of hands by men possessing the authority to ad- minister in the ordinances of the Gospel. These are the first princi- ples of the Gospel which we Latter- day Saints believe in and teach to our fellow-men.
~ Wilford Woodruff
There is nothing that has been predicted by Jesus or the Apostles but what has already been fulfilled to the very letter as far as time will admit, and what has not will be.
~ Wilford Woodruff
We declare to all men that the God of heaven commanded Joseph Smith to introduce and prac- tice the patriarchal order of marriage including the plurality of wives. And why? Because it was the law given to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for certain purposes; that holy men might have their wives and chil- dren with them in the morning of the first resurrection in their family organization to inherit kingdoms, thrones, principalities and powers in the presence of God throughout the endless ages of eternity.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Another thing, there is no man that has ever lived who can claim a wife or child in the resurrection unless he and she were married and sealed by divine authority by a man delegated of heaven to perform the ordinance of marriage. All con- tracts not ordained of God entered into by men, end with this life, and are therefore without binding effect in the world to come. And herein is the difference of the position of the Latter-day Saints and of the Christian world with respect to the married state. The nature of our marriage covenant is sacred and binding both for time and eternity, and I would just as soon think of denying my God as to sever the re- lationship existing between me and my wives and children. Our plural wives and our children are just as dear to us as the one wife and the children of the Gentiles are to them; and what is more, we have married our wives by command of God, and by authority of His Holy Priest- hood, which has been restored again to earth; and if we prove faithful and true to Him and to one another, we shall claim our wives and chil- dren in the world to come.
~ Wilford Woodruff