They have two meetings on Suday & two during the week day. I ha[v]e not
found greater faith in North America than with Br according to his
. I preached to them in the afternoon though I was not able I felt
quite sick I felt as though I was threatened with a bit of sickness I
was attacked with a severe Diarhea loss of apetite, sickness at stomach, cold
chills from Head to foot, at othr times fever, (I took a dose of pills) I went
to bed sick & did not rest during the Night.
23rd I arose in the Morning very feeble. No appetite pain in the Bowl Bowels felt
week & languid I took some grewell. I got into a waggon with Brothr & & rode 7 miles to called upon one of his sons A merchat
there & Brothr Russell Had me measured for a suit of clothes. A ministar of
the place called to see us He was full of subtlety & wickedness. Brother Russell
contended with him for an Hourr He went off. Mr Russells Son wished me
to Blesse an ownly child 6 mo[n]ths old the Mother opposed & it was omitted we
retu[r]ned Home. I felt a little better in the evening. I walked out with Br
& sister Russell to view their family burying grond ground it contains
2^2^ soms 2 sons & 5 daughters all died in infancy or childhood except the last
which was their who was 22 years old, a Priest in the Chuch died a few weeks
ago with the consumption strong in the faith they were all burried close togethr
under some tall pines on the Islad some of them He has taken up lately frm
different burying grounds & put them to gether as He is going away & is building
a strong wall of masonary aroud it 12 feet square, & 7 feet High
wishes me to dedicate the groud before I leave him. On my arival
Here I recceved a Lettr from Br saying Had sent Letters
& papers to me at & would call them Home to & forwarded
them to me Here. I was glad to hear from you in any way but aftr this
reaches you you need not send any thing further to me for I cannot
get it I pass by the placs before the Letters come, it was the case in
Bangor & I should not got the word from Br Cannon Here if I
Had good luc luck in getting along if He has sent those lettr from Bangor
to me I shall not got them unless I get them next mail, for I leeve
for on Satturday & expet Brothe Russell to go with me there & we
Have 100 or more miles of this stage racing to pass through & I do not wa[n]t
to be killed on the way without some friend knowing it. I also receved
a Letter from Elder informing me He had a leter frm you & gave
the News from it said lost 50 of his company from , up.
spoke of the Epistle, filling the quorum of the Twelve &c, that was alive &c
They have two meetings on Suday & two during the week day. I have not
found greater [illegible] in North America than with Br Russell according to his
priveliges. I preached to them in the afternoon though I was not able I felt
quite sick I felt as though I was threatened with a bit of sickness I
was attacked with a severe Diarhea loss of apetite, sickness at stomach, cold
chills from Head to foot, at othr times fever, (I took a dose of pills) I went
to bed sick & did not rest during the Night.
23rd I arose in the Morning very feeble. No appetite pain in the Bowels felt
week & languid I took some grewell. I got into a waggon with Brothr & Sister
Russell & rode 7 miles toChathams called upon one of his sons A merchat
there & Brothr Russell Had me measured for a suit of clothes. A ministar of
the place called to see us He was full of subtlety & wickedness. Brother Russell
contended with him for an Hourr He went off. Mr Russells Son wished me
to Blesse an ownly child 6 months old the Mother opposed & it was omitted we
returned Home. I felt a little better in the evening. I walked out with Br
& sister Russell to view their family burying ground it contains
2 soms 2 sons & 5 daughters all died in infancy or childhood except the last
which was their son who was 22 years old, a Priest in the Chuch died a few weeks
ago with the consumption strong in the faith they were all burried close togethr
under some tall pines on the Islad some of them He has taken up lately frm
different burying grounds & put them to gether as He is going away & is building
a strong wall of masonary aroud it 12 feet square, & 7 feet High
wishes me to dedicate the groud before I leave him. On my arival
Here I recceved a Lettr from Br Cannon saying you Had sent Letters
& papers to me at & would call them Home to Boston & forwarded
them to me Here. I was glad to hear from you in any way but aftr this
reaches you you need not send any thing further to me for I cannot
get it I pass by the placs before the Letters come, it was the case in
Bangor & I should not got the word from Br Cannon Here if I
Had good luck in getting along if He has sent those lettr from Bangor
to me I shall not got them unless I get them next mail, for I leeve
for on Saturday & expet Brothe Russell to go with me there & we
Have 100 or more miles of this stage racing to pass through & I do not want
to be killed on the way without some friend knowing it. I also receved
a Letter from Elder informing me He had a leter frm you & gave
the News from it said lost 50 of his company from St Joseph, up.
spoke of the Epistle, filling the quorum of the Twelve &c, that was alive &c