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Harold B. Lee Library |
Collection Name | Deseret News |
Collection Description | The Deseret News was the first newspaper published in the Utah Territory: the weekly edition began June 15, 1850; the semi-weekly edition was added October 8, 1865; and the daily edition began November 21, 1867. |
Collection Number | Deseret News 1858-01-06 |
Collection Box | Volume 7 |
Collection Folder | Number 44 |
Collection Page | 6 |
Source Link | Brigham Young University |
Rights and Use | Copyright and Use Information |
Transcript | View Full Transcript |
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The Lord has for years past been continually revealing the simple principles that will bring us back into the presence of our Heavenly Father, and which will give unto us a place in his celestial kingdom, if we abide a celestial law.
This in reality is the case, for many of us have been born again according to the traditions of our fathers; but those that keep the celestial law and obey the principles of the gospel of Christ, you never find them taking different roads. There is but one right road, and it is a straight forward one, and the principles and rules that govern you in that path are simple and easy to be understood.— This is the path for us to walk in and I consider that we are greatly blessed in having learned the true way and in being delivered from that yoke of bondage that has chained us down with error, false doctrine and false teachers.
As br. Brigham, br. Heber and many others have said, there is not a man that is capable of entering into the celestial kingdom of God who is not willing to receive the instructions of his brethren and abide the law of God. There is not a man in this kingdom, who has got the right spir- it within him, but who thanks God for the moun- tains and for the five hundred miles of sage plains that lie between us and the homes of our ene- mies.
The Lord says, whosoever are quickened by a portion of the celestial spirit and abide a celestial law they shall inherit a celestial glory; whosoever are quickened by a terrestrial spirit shall inherit a terrestrial glory. I realize this, and consider that the Lord has revealed unto us the celestial law, that is, he has given unto us the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and has given us a know- ledge of the principles of eternal life. The Lord reveals truth unto the children of men, by which truth we are to be qualified and prepared for ex- altation. Truth has been presented in its simpli- city so that it might be comprehended by the sons of men.
I never joined any church at all until I joined the Latter Day Saints, but yet I attended meetings, and I have been called upon day after day and night after night to give my heart to God, so much so that I would get mad, to be told to do a thing so many times that I was all the time trying to do, for I had a desire to do that which was right, but did not know how to take the first step, and those who taught could not tell me how. Now had there been an Apostle there to have said, 'go and repent, be baptized for the remission of your sins, and then I will lay my hands upon you that you may receive the Holy Ghost, which will lead and guide you into all truth, it will en- lighten your mind in relation to the principles of eternal life, and it will show you things past, pre- sent and to come;' how easy this would have been providing a man inspired of God had been there.
I feel comfortable and truly thankful in my mind for the blessings bestowed upon us, and I feel to pray that we as a people may increase in the knowledge of God and of the laws of his kingdom, and in the knowledge of all those prin- ciples that lead to glory, to exaltation and eternal lives, and that will lead us back to our Father in heaven. The troubles of the children of men are very numerous, but a great many of them are borrowed. I believe two-thirds of the troubles of men are borrowed. It appears to be a natural gift, or it seems natural to us to borrow trouble, and it is a good deal so with our blessings, look forward to some future time when we are going to enjoy great and glorious blessings, but our blessings are at the present time; this is the time that we should enjoy the blessings that God has given us. We should rejoice to-day and be happy to-day and feel to thank the Lord for the bless- ings that he has put into our hands, and as to borrowing troubles, we should let them all pass, for it is sufficient for us to pass through troubles and trials when they are upon us, and if we pur- sue this course, we may escape a great many imaginary trying and perplexing scenes.
If we will do our duty, and listen to those that are set to lead us we shall find that the hand of God will be over us for our good, and it will be against those that are planning for our destruction, and God will strengthen and uphold this people until the day comes for the kingdom of God to spread itself abroad, and until the law of God is issued forth from Zion. We shall find that this will be the case, and in as much as we have these privileges and this faith, as Saints of the Most High we should prize them and lay hold of them with one united heart and not consider that the battle is to the strong or the race to the swift, for the Lord holds the destinies of all, and we are in his hands.