Jan 28, 1865
I spent most of the day at the Endowment house. We gave endow-
ments to 42 persons. W. Woodruff sealed 12 couple & G. Q. Cannon 9 couple
[blank] I sat for a likeness with Emma & her two children
and Sarah Delight & her two children I spent some time in the office
writing in my Journal. I conversed with Capt Walter Holebrook who
was in the battle of Bull run. his best frind a college mate was cut in
towo with a Cannon Ball while standing by his side. He was a spy and
went to Richmand out of 101 men he had but 17 men left at the close
of the Bull run battle
~ Sunday
29. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended meeting
in the Tabernacle all day John Vancott spoke in the morning & Bishop E. D. Woolley in the afternoon. I met with President Young & the 12
for Prayer in the Evening. John. W. Young prayed & W. Woodruff
was Mouth I preached in the Evening at the 16 ward
~ Monday
30 Solomon Wixom commenced work with me to day I setled my
tithing with Bixshop Hoagland for 1864 My tithing was $220.22
I paid $37.75 toin cash to settle my tithing I paid 24 gallons Molases
for 1864 $48 which was not applyed on my tithing for 1864
but carried to the Account of 1865 I spent the afternoon in the office
writing also the evening
~ Tuesday
31 I spent the day in the office writing Gov Young speech
3rd I spent most of the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments to
41 persons. W. Woodruff sealed 9 persons or couple & G. Q. Cannon 9 couple
~ Saturday
4. Saturday I spent the whole day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments
to 73 persons W. Woodruff sealed 21 couple & G. Q. Cannon 20 couple. President B Young was present a short time. President Heber C. Kimball presides
at the Endowment House at all times when we give Endowments & gives lectures
and teaches such principles as the Holy spirits brings to his mind. There
was a Mass meeting held at the Tabernacle to day to take into consideration
the subject of bringing the waters of Utah lake to this city
~ Sunday
5. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning and attended meeting all
day at the TabernacleA. H. Raleigh spoke in the forenoon & John Taylor in
the Afternoon on the mind, memory, & soul of men & the knowlede of God I met
with President B Y & 2 of the 12 for prayer & preached at the 3rd ward & laid hands on J. S. Brown
~ Saturday
Jan 28, 1865
I spent most of the day at the Endowment house we gave Endowments to 42 persons. W. Woodruff sealed 12 couple & G. Q. Cannon 9 couple
[blank] [FIGURE] I sat for a likeness with Emma & her two children
and Sarah Delight & her two children I spent some time in the Office
writing in my Journal. I conversed with Capt Walter Holebrook who
was in the Battle of Bull run, his best frind a college mate was cut in
two with a Cannon Ball while standing by his side. He was a spy and
went to Richmand out of 101 men he had but 17 men left at the close
of the Bull rum battle
~ Sunday
29. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended meeting
in the Tabernacle all day John Vancott Spoke in the morning & Bishop
E. D. Woolley in the afternoon. I met with President Young & the 12
for Prayer in the Evening. John. W. Young Prayed & W. Woodruff
was Mouth I preached in the Evening at the 16 ward
~ Monday
30 Solomon Wixom commenced work with me to day I setled my
tithing with Bishop Hoagland for 1864 my tithing was $220.22
I paid $37.75in cash to settle my tithing I paid 24 gallons Molases
for 1864 $48 which was not applyed on my tithing for 1864
but carried to the Account of 1865 I spent the afternoon in the office
writing also the Evening
~ Tuesday
31 I spent the day in the office writing Gov Young speech
3rd I spent most of the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments to
41 persons. W. Woodruff sealed 9 persons or couple & G. Q. Cannon 9 couple
~ Saturday
4. Saturday I spent the whole day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments
to 73 persons W. Woodruff sealed 21 couple & G. Q. Cannon 20 couple President
B Young was present a short time President Heber C. Kimball presides
at the Endowment House at all times when we give Endowments & gives lectures
and teaches such principles as the Holy spirits brings to his mind. There
was a Mass meeting held at the Tabernacle to day to take into consideration
the subject of bringing the waters of Utah lake to this City
~ Sunday
5. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning and attended meeting all
day at the Tabernacle A. H. Raleigh spoke in the forenoon & John Taylor in
the Afternoon on the mind, memory, & soul of men & the knowlede of God I met
with President B Y & 2 of the 12 for prayer & preached at the 3rd ward & laid hands on J. S. Brown
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," January 28, 1865 - February 5, 1865, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 15, 2025, https://2023.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/An53