In the afternoon President Heber C. Kimball spoke Br Joseph Fielding spoke first Bore his Testimony & was followed by
Brother Kimball. I met alone at the prayer circle at 5 oclk
and prayed at the alter I went to the 13 ward Assembly
room & Preached to the people 30 minutes was followed by
Bishop Hunter. Then Bishop Woolley spoke about one hour
~ Monday
10th I went down to the farm in the morning & delivered 16 sheep
to Brother Alread for J. W. Cummings. I spent the afternoon atin homethe office & Evening in the office House.
~ Tuesday
11 I spent this day in the office Journalizing I held a meeting
in the Evening with the Jordor Irrigation Company upon the
Buy laws of the company. We got a long Telegraphetic dispatch
printed which gives an account of the war
A Lecture of W. Woodruff in the Seventies Hall
upon History and Journallizing on the evening of Feb 12.
I met at the 70s Hall at 7 oclok to deliver a lecture according
to appointment the Hall was crouded to overflowing and
Hundreds Had to leave who could not get into the House the
following is a synopsis of my lecture
Brethren and Sisters I feel Happy in meeting with you
in this capacity. I think it more profitable for the Saints to
meet together to hear lectures delivered upon the arts & scien-
ces and various principles than to spend so much time in
danceing and light amusement. The subject which I wish
to speak upon this Evening is Journalizieing & History this
subject Embraces a wide Field far greater than I shall
attempt to Explore this Evening. History is given under
two general Heads viz Sacred and profane and as spiritual
and temporal things are inseparably connected, so is sacred
& profane History many times is vary closely connected
together. We have but vary little History in the Early ages
of the world Either Sacred or Profane, and but vary few His-
torians or Journalists in any age of the world when
In the afternoon President Heber C. Kimball spoke Br
Joseph Fielding spoke first Bore his Testimony & was followed by
Brother Kimball. I met alone at the prayer circle at 5 oclk
and prayed at the alter I went to the 13 ward Assembly
room & Preached to the people 30 minutes was followed by
Bishop Hunter. Then Bishop Woolley spoke about one hour
~ Monday
10th I went down to the farm in the morning & delivered 16 sheep
to Brother Alread for J. W. Cummings. I spent the afternoonin
the office & Evening in the House.
~ Tuesday
11 I spent this day in the office Journalizing I held a meeting
in the Evening with the Jordor Irrigation Company upon the
Buy laws of the company. We got a long Telegraphic dispatch
printed which gives an account of the war
~ Wednesday
12 I spent the day in the office on the Buy laws of the Joordan
Irrigation Company & Journalizing
[FIGURE] A Lecture of W. Woodruff in the Seventies Hall
Upon History and Journallizing on the evening of Feb 12.
I met at the 70 Hall at 7 oclok to deliver a lecture according
to appointment the Hall was crouded to overflowing and
Hundreds Had to leave who could not get into the House the
following is a synopsis of my lecture
Brethren and Sisters I feel Happy in meeting with you
in this capacity. I think it more profitable for the saints to
meet together to hear lectures delivered upon the arts & sciences and various principles than to spend so much time in
danceing and light amusement. The subject which I wish
to speak upon this Evening is Journalizeing & History this
subject Embraces a wide Field far greater than I shall
attempt to Explore this Evening. History is given under
two general Heads viz Sacred and profane and as spiritual
and temporal things are inseparably connected, so is sacred
& profane History many times is vary closely connected
together. We have but vary little History in the Early ages
of the world Either Sacred or Profane, and but vary few Historians or Journalists in any age of the world when
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," February 9, 1862 - February 12, 1862, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 15, 2025,