pectation of those who have gone be-
fore us.
The ancients are not perfect with-
out us, neither are we perfect without
them. The old prophets and apos-
tles had their day to labor in warn-
ing the world. preached to
the inhabitants of the world, and
showed his works by his faith,
though he did not save a great
many. , and ,
, and the prophets, Jesus
and the Apostles all had their day.
Their work is finished. They sleep
in peace. This is our day, and we
should labor while the day lasts; by-
and-by night will come when no man
can work. We shall not have 365
years as had to prepare Zion
for translation. [Genesis 5:23]
As I before remarked the Lord is
going to make short His work, or no
flesh can be saved. There are great
events at our doors, and the
of God should be on their watch-
tower. We should have our eyes,
ears and hearts open to see, hear, un-
derstand and receive the counsels and
reproof revealed through the mouth
of the servants of God in our day.
The Gospel of Christ is one of the
greatest blessings that can be be-
stowed upon man. Eternal life, the
Lord says, is the greatest gift of
God. We can obtain that, only
through obedience to this Gospel.
This, brethren and sisters, is our
blessing. We possess it, and have
been gathered here by it. Had it
not been for the Gospel we should
still have been in , the Uni-
ted States and abroad among the na-
tions of the earth, and would
have been a desert sage plain, inha-
bited only by crickets and Indians,
as it was when we came here. The
Elders of Israel might have preached
until they were as old as ,
and we should never have gathered
had it not been for the inspiration of
the Almighty. You and I, and all
who have received the testimony of
Jesus Christ know that these things
are true. All the Saints of God
among the nations, who have been
faithful, have been inspired by the
same spirit to gather home to
Zion. Why have we gathered to
Zion? To fulfill the revelations of
God. and and nearly
all the prophets since the world be-
gan have foretold the gathering of
the people in the last days to estab-
lish Zion, from which the law of the
Lord should go forth to rule the na-
tions of the earth, while the word of
the Lord should go forth from . We are here to do these
things, and to receive teachings and
instructions that we may be prepared
for the of the Son of Man.
We are here to be shut up a little
while in these chambers of the moun-
tains, while the indignation of the
Almighty passes over the nations.
For this the Lord through his an-
cient servant said, "Come out of her,
my people, that ye be not partakers
of her sins, and that ye receive not of
her plagues." [Revelation 18:4]
The question is often asked by sec-
tarian ministers, "Why could you
not live in , , or
, as well as going to Zion?
Because we should be in the midst of
sin and wickedness and abomination,
and it would be very difficult, while
so situated, to keep from being pol-
luted by the evils which reign upon
the face of the earth at the present
time. And to overcome these evils
we have been gathered together,
that we may be taught in the prin-
ciples of truth, virtue and holiness,
and be prepared to dwell in the pre-
sence of God.
When we embraced the Gospel we
had only just begun our work. Be-
ing baptized into this is only
like learning the alphabet of our
pectation of those who have gone before us.
The ancients are not perfect without us, neither are we perfect without
them. The old prophets and apostles had their day to labor in warning the world. preached to
the inhabitants of the world, and
showed his works by his faith,
though he did not save a great
many. , and ,
, and the prophets, Jesus
and the Apostles all had their day.
Their work is finished. They sleep
in peace. This is our day, and we
should labor while the day lasts; byand-by night will come when no man
can work. We shall not have 365
years as had to prepare Zion
for translation.
As I before remarked the Lord is
going to make short His work, or no
flesh can be saved. There are great
events at our doors, and the Saints
of God should be on their watchtower. We should have our eyes,
ears and hearts open to see, hear, understand and receive the counsels and
reproof revealed through the mouth
of the servants of God in our day.
The Gospel of Christ is one of the
greatest blessings that can be bestowed upon man. Eternal life, the
Lord says, is the greatest gift of
God. We can obtain that, only
through obedience to this Gospel.
This, brethren and sisters, is our
blessing. We possess it, and have
been gathered here by it. Had it
not been for the Gospel we should
still have been in , the United States and abroad among the nations of the earth, and would
have been a desert sage plain, inhabited only by crickets and Indians,
as it was when we came here. The
Elders of Israel might have preached
until they were as old as ,
and we should never have gathered
had it not been for the inspiration of
the Almighty. You and I, and all
who have received the testimony of
Jesus Christ know that these things
are true. All the Saints of God
among the nations, who have been
faithful, have been inspired by the
same spirit to gather home to
Zion. Why have we gathered to
Zion? To fulfill the revelations of
God. and and nearly
all the prophets since the world began have foretold the gathering of
the people in the last days to establish Zion, from which the law of the
Lord should go forth to rule the nations of the earth, while the word of
the Lord should go forth from . We are here to do these
things, and to receive teachings and
instructions that we may be prepared
for the coming of the Son of Man.
We are here to be shut up a little
while in these chambers of the mountains, while the indignation of the
Almighty passes over the nations.
For this the Lord through his ancient servant said, "Come out of her,
my people, that ye be not partakers
of her sins, and that ye receive not of
her plagues."
The question is often asked by sectarian ministers, "Why could you
not live in , , or
, as well as going to Zion?
Because we should be in the midst of
sin and wickedness and abomination,
and it would be very difficult, while
so situated, to keep from being polluted by the evils which reign upon
the face of the earth at the present
time. And to overcome these evils
we have been gathered together,
that we may be taught in the principles of truth, virtue and holiness,
and be prepared to dwell in the presence of God.
When we embraced the Gospel we
had only just begun our work. Being baptized into this Church is only
like learning the alphabet of our