it, and abide in its laws and ordi-
nances in faithfulness and truth unto
When Father gave me my
patriarchial blessing he told me I
should bring my house into
the and Kingdom of God. I
had never seen any member of my
father's house from the time I obeyed
the gospel until I received my patri-
archial blessing, and I rested a good
deal on this blessing. Now, all men
who were acquainted with Father Jo-
seph Smith know that when he laid
his hands upon a man's head it seem-
ed as if the heavens and the hearts
of men were open to him, and he
could see their past, present and fu-
ture. And that is the way all men
in the holy priesthood should feel;
and whether patriarchs, prophets,
apostles or elders they should live so
as to enjoy the spirit and power of
their office and calling. This is our
privilege, but we do not always live
so; but this was the way with Father
Smith. After I had been with up to I returned
east, and on my way I visited my
father's household in and
preached the gospel to them, and
baptized my father and all who were
in his house. In this I was blessed.
I also baptized some of my uncles,
aunts and cousins; but I left a nu-
merous host that did not receive my
message; they were not ready to re-
ceive my testimony; a few of them
did, and some of them have gathered
to Zion. I have rejoiced in this
and also in preaching the gospel to
the world, because I have known that
the gospel and the message which I
had were from God. I knew then
that they were true, and I know it
to-day; and I know they will have
their effect on the nations of the
The gospel which we preach is the
power of God unto salvation to every
one who believes, both high and low,
rich and poor, Jew and Gentile. [Romans 1:16]
There is no man who will receive
salvation without it; no man can re-
ceive exaltation and be crowned with
the fullness of salvation in the pre-
sence of God without receiving the
fullness of the everlasting gospel of
the Son of God.
All men who have received a glo-
rious salvation and resurrection and
have gone to receive their reward in
the presence of God, have had to go
there by keeping the laws that He
gave them. They have had to obey
the gospel of Christ on the earth;
they have had to receive the law and
abide that law in the flesh that they
might receive a fullness in the resur-
rection. It will take just as much to
save the Latter-day Saints and the
inhabitants of the earth in this gene-
ration as it did to save , ,
, , , or Jesus
and the apostles. There is no change
nor variableness with the gospel of
Christ; its ordinances are the same
to-day, yesterday and forever. As
the Apostle said "If we or an
angel from heaven preach any other
gospel than that we have preached
let him be accursed." [Galatians 1:8]
This gospel has been revealed to
us. We have received the light of
it and rejoice in it. By it and its
Author we have been sustained from
the commencement until to-day. The
gospel of Christ has never disap-
pointed any man or woman that ever
dwelt in the flesh. The God of hea-
ven—the Author of this gospel—
has never disappointed any body
who ever proved faithful to its pre-
cepts. And if the inhabitants of
the earth expect salvation through
any other medium they will be dis-
appointed. Whatever salvation they
may get, they will not be saved in
the celestial kingdom of God. If
they have another glory it will be
it, and abide in its laws and ordinances in faithfulness and truth unto
When Father gave me my
patriarchial blessing he told me I
should bring my house into
the Church and Kingdom of God. I
had never seen any member of my
father's house from the time I obeyed
the gospel until I received my patriarchial blessing, and I rested a good
deal on this blessing. Now, all men
who were acquainted with Father Joseph Smith know that when he laid
his hands upon a man's head it seemed as if the heavens and the hearts
of men were open to him, and he
could see their past, present and future. And that is the way all men
in the holy priesthood should feel;
and whether patriarchs, prophets,
apostles or elders they should live so
as to enjoy the spirit and power of
their office and calling. This is our
privilege, but we do not always live
so; but this was the way with Father
Smith. After I had been with Zion's Camp up to I returned
east, and on my way I visited my
father's household in and
preached the gospel to them, and
baptized my father and all who were
in his house. In this I was blessed.
I also baptized some of my uncles,
aunts and cousins; but I left a numerous host that did not receive my
message; they were not ready to receive my testimony; a few of them
did, and some of them have gathered
to Zion. I have rejoiced in this
and also in preaching the gospel to
the world, because I have known that
the gospel and the message which I
had were from God. I knew then
that they were true, and I know it
to-day; and I know they will have
their effect on the nations of the earth.
The gospel which we preach is the
power of God unto salvation to every
one who believes, both high and low,
rich and poor, Jew and Gentile.
There is no man who will receive
salvation without it; no man can receive exaltation and be crowned with
the fullness of salvation in the presence of God without receiving the
fullness of the everlasting gospel of
the Son of God.
All men who have received a glorious salvation and resurrection and
have gone to receive their reward in
the presence of God, have had to go
there by keeping the laws that He
gave them. They have had to obey
the gospel of Christ on the earth;
they have had to receive the law and
abide that law in the flesh that they
might receive a fullness in the resurrection. It will take just as much to
save the Latter-day Saints and the
inhabitants of the earth in this generation as it did to save , ,
, , , or Jesus
and the apostles. There is no change
nor variableness with the gospel of
Christ; its ordinances are the same
to-day, yesterday and forever. As
the Apostle said "If we or an
angel from heaven preach any other
gospel than that we have preached
let him be accursed."
This gospel has been revealed to
us. We have received the light of
it and rejoice in it. By it and its
Author we have been sustained from
the commencement until to-day. The
gospel of Christ has never disappointed any man or woman that ever
dwelt in the flesh. The God of heaven—the Author of this gospel—
has never disappointed any body
who ever proved faithful to its precepts. And if the inhabitants of
the earth expect salvation through
any other medium they will be disappointed. Whater salvation they
may get, they will not be saved in
the celestial kingdom of God. If
they have another glory it will be