the ordinance of confirmation; and notwithstanding that
had spoken in the open air and stood in the water
and baptized so many about 56 of those baptized
received confirmation under his hands and during the
intermission of the meetings there was probably as
many more baptized and confirmed for their dead relatives
at the font by the Twelve. baptized about
40 and I assisted in confirming 20. It was truly an
interesting day
On the Sunday following a large
assembly met in the grove near the when
Elder addressed the assembly and
was followed by the Prophet Joseph who proved from
the Bible the doctrine of baptism for the dead
At the close the congregation again
assembled upon the bank of the and Joseph went
into the water and baptized all who came unto him
As I considered it my privilege to be re-baptized for
the remission of sins not having had the benefit of
the ordinance since administered to me by Elder when I entered the Church I went forth into
the river and was baptized under the hands of Joseph
the Prophet. Likewise did and many
others and Joseph called upon me to assist him and
I did so baptizing twelve. Then the Prophet lifted
up his hands to heaven and blessed the people and
the Spirit of God rested upon the congregation. And
after the multitude had gathered again to the grove
Elder Taylor and myself were confirmed ^by the laying on^ with the gift of
^of hands^ the Holy Ghost and we then commenced to confer the
like blessing upon others confirming others.
On the next day Elder landed in with about one hundred and
seventy Saints mostly from and three thousand
dollars worth of property for the benefit of the Temple
the ordinance of confirmation; and notwithstanding that
had spoken in the open air and stood in the water
and baptized so many about 56 of those baptized
received confirmation under his hands and during the
intermission of the meetings there was probably as
many more baptized and confirmed for their dead relatives
at the font by the Twelve. baptized about
40 and I assisted in confirming 20. It was truly an
interesting day.
On the Sunday following a large
assembly met in the grove near the Temple when
Elder addressed the assembly and
was followed by the Prophet Joseph who proved from
the Bible the doctrine of baptism for the dead.
At the close the congregation again
assembled upon the bank of the river and Joseph went
into the water and baptized all who came unto him
As I considered it my privilege to be re-baptized for
the remission of sins not having had the benefit of
the ordinance since administered to me by Elder when I entered the church I went forth into
the river and was baptized under the hands of Joseph
the Prophet. Likewise did and many
others and Joseph called upon me to assist him and
I did so baptizing twelve. Then the Prophet lifted
up his hands to heaven and blessed the people and
the Spirit of God rested upon the congregation. And
after the multitude had gathered again to the grove
Elder Taylor and myself were confirmed by the laying on of hands
and we then commenced to confer the
like blessing upon others confirming others.
On the next day Elder landed in with about one hundred and
seventy Saints mostly from and three thousand
dollars worth of property for the benefit of the