The organization of the Camp of Zion. Our order of Travelling. Incidents of the Journey.
Our Arivel in Missouri. Cholera visited our Camp. Death & buriel of the Brethren. My stay with Lyman Wight
Copy of A Letter from my Brothers Azmon & Thompson My answer to the same.
The first of May was appointed tofor the Camp of Zion to organize & start from Kirtland but as the
Camp was not ready Joseph Advised some of us who were ready to start out & go as far as New Portage
On the morning of the I left Kirtland and started upon my Journey for Missouri
our company consisted of 20 men & 4 Baggage waggons being a part of the main camp we travled to New
Portage and there remained with the Church untill the remainder of the Camp Joined us from Kirtland
they arived upon the and Joseph called all the camp together & organized them in regular
order He appointed all general officers & diveided the whole camp into companies of 12 men each company
appointed their own captain we Appointed Orson Pyderatt Captain of our company each man had his duty
assigned him as follows 2 cooks, 2 firemen, 2 tent makers, 2 watermen, one runner, 2 waggoners & Horsman,
and one commissary we bought our own flour & provision done our own baking & cooking Frederick G.
Williams was Appointed Pay Master every man put in all his money into one fund whether He had
little or much. Our company when organized at New Portage consisted of about 150 men & 20 Baggage
waggons the men were mostly young & held the office of High Priest, Elder, Priest, Teacher, & Deacon we had
collected what goods, clothing &c we could to take up to Zion to our afflicted Brethren as they had been
robed of nearly all they had by there persecutors Having become fully organized we started upon
our Journey being lead by our Prophet. We were all armed as far as we could obtain arms that we might
be in a state of Defence against the mob. I had a good rifle, sword, Dirk, & pistol Brother Joseph wanted
my sword & I let him have it. We left New Portage on the and we travelled like
the children of Israel Pitching our tents thby the way at the Blowing of the trumpet at night evry man went
into his tent, bowed down upon his knees & one man in each tent offered up Prayers unto the Lord each one
took his turn as he was called upon. each waggon or tent was numbered I had a pair of Horses and
waggon which was Number 4 in the train I was Teamster & took care of the Horses. this was a vary interesting
Journey to me we JGenerally pitched our tents saturday night & Remained over the sabbath & had preaching Joseph often
taught us in the name of the Lord & was clothed upon with much of the Holy Spirit, and his teachings were vary
instructing & Edfying. we travelled on the 8th 12 miles to Chippeway & pitched our tents in a Beautiful grove
for the night I walked upon a Hill & looked down upon the Encampment & it was truly an inspireing sight
we continued our Journey on the & on the we passed through Mansfield and Encamped in Richfield
to spend the sabbath. Sunday 11 Elder Sylvester Smith Preached & we partook of the sacrament, of Bread & wine
We continued our Journey our waggons were filled with Baggage & we all had to walk most of the way the
feet of the Brethren were blistered & blood run through their stockings into there shoes we continued to travel daily
& arived at the Miami River on the . Spies followed us continually & tried to get into our camp at night
but were stoped by the guard we forded the Miami River with our Baggage waggon and the man waded
through the water. On the we crossed the state Line of Ohio. And Encamped for the sabbath near
the limits of Indiannaa Having traveled 40 miles that day, our feet were vary sore & stockings wet with
blood. we had our centinal out evry night on accout of our Enemies who were continually trying to harass us
We we had Preaching as usual & the administration of the sacrament
The organization of the Camp of Zion. Our order of Travelling. Incidents of the Journey.
Our Arivel in Missouri. Cholera visited our Camp. Death & buriel of the Brethren. My stay with Lyman Wight
Copy of A Letter from my Brothers Azmon & Thompson My answer to the same.
The first of May was appointedfor the Camp of Zion to organize & start from Kirtland but as the
Camp was not ready Joseph Advised some of us who were ready to start out & go as far as New Portage
On the morning of the I left Kirtland and started upon my Journey for Missouri
our company consisted of 20 men & 4 Baggage waggons being a part of the main camp we travled to New
Portage and there remained with the Church untill the remainder of the Camp Joined us from Kirtland
they arived upon the and Joseph called all the camp together & organized them in regular
order He appointed all general officers & divided the whole camp into companies of 12 men each company
appointed their own captain we Appointed Orson Pratt Captain of our company each man had his duty
assigned him as follows 2 cooks, 2 firemen, 2 tent makers, 2 watermen, one runner, 2 waggoners & Horsman,
and one commissary we bought our own flour & provision done our own baking & cooking Frederick G.
Williams was Appointed Pay Master every man put in all his money into one fund whether He had
little or much. Our company when organized at New Portage consisted of about 150 men & 20 Baggage
waggons the men were mostly young & held the office of High Priest, Elder, Priest, Teacher, & Deacon we had
collected what goods, clothing &c we could to take up to Zion to our afflicted Brethren as they had been
robed of nearly all they had by there persecutors Having become fully organized we started upon
our Journey being lead by our Prophet. We were all armed as far as we could obtain arms that we might
be in a state of Defence against the mob. I had a good rifle, sword, Dirk, & pistol Brother Joseph wanted
my sword & I let him have it. We left New Portage on the and we travelled like
the children of Israel Pitching our tentsby the way at the Blowing of the trumpet at night evry man went
into his tent, bowed down upon his knees & one man in each tent offered up Prayers unto the Lord each one
took his turn as he was called upon. each waggon or tent was numbered I had a pair of Horses and
waggon which was Number 4 in the train I was Teamster & took care of the Horses. this was a vary interesting
Journey to me weGenerally pitched our tents saturday night & Remained over the sabbath & had preaching Joseph often
taught us in the name of the Lord & was clothed upon with much of the Holy Spirit, and his teachings were vary
instructing & Edfying. we travelled on the 8th 12 miles to Chippeway & pitched our tents in a Beautiful grove
for the night I walked upon a Hill & looked down upon the Encampment & it was truly an inspireing sight
we continued our Journey on the & on the we passed through Mansfield and Encamped in Richfield
to spend the sabbath. Sunday 11 Elder Sylvester Smith Preached & we partook of the sacrament, of Bread & wine
We continued our Journey our waggons were filled with Baggage & we all had to walk most of the way the
feet of the Brethren were blistered & blood run through their stockings into there shoes we continued to travel daily
& arived at the Miami River on the . Spies followed us continually & tried to get into our camp at night
but were stoped by the guard we forded the Miami River with our Baggage waggon and the man waded
through the water. On the we crossed the state Line of Ohio. And Encamped for the sabbath near
the limits of Indiana Having traveled 40 miles that day, our feet were vary sore & stockings wet with
blood. we had our centinal out evry night on accout of our Enemies who were continually trying to harass us
We we had Preaching as usual & the administration of the sacrament
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"Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865," p. 30, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 14, 2025,