"What is the sign of the healing of the sick?
The laying on of hands is the sign marked by
and the custom of the ancient Saints as ordained by the
Lord; and we shall not obtain the blessing by pursuing
any other course than that which God hath marked
out. [James 5:14-15]
What if we should attempt to gobtain the through any other means except the sign or
whay which God has appointed? Should we obtain
it? Certainly not. All other means would fail. The
Lord says do so and so and I will give the blessing
There are certain key words and sign belonging to the
Priesthood which must be observed in order to obtain
the blessings
The sign of was to repent and
be baptised for remission of sins with the promise
of the gift of the Holy Ghost; and in no other way is
the gift of the Holy Ghost obtained [Acts 2:38]
There is a difference between the
Holy Ghost and the gift of the Holy Ghost.
received the Holy Gost before he was baptized which
was the convincing power of God unto him of the
truth of the Gospel; but he could not receive the until after he was baptized. [Acts 10:44-48] Had
he not taken this sign, this ordinance upon himself
the Holy Spirit which convinced him of the truth of
God would have left him. Until he had obeyed the
ordinance of baptism and received the gift of the Holy
Ghost by the laying on of hands according to the order
of God he could not have healed the sick nor commanded
an evil spirit to come out of a person and be obeyed for
the spirit might say to him as to the sons of ^Seavey^
Peter I know and I know and Jesus I know but who
are ye? [Acts 19:15]
It mattereth not whether we live long
or short after we come to a knowledge of the principles
of the Gospel and obey them. I know that all men will
be damn'd if they do not come in the way which God
"What is the sign of the healing of the sick?
The laying on of hands is the sign marked by
and the custom of the ancient Saints as ordained by the
Lord; and we shall not obtain the blessing by pursuing
any other course than that which God hath marked out.
What if we should attempt to obtain the Holy
Ghost through any other means except the sign or
way which God has appointed? Should we obtain
it? Certainly not. All other means would fail. The
Lord says do so and so and I will give the blessing
There are certain key words and signs belonging to the
Priesthood which must be observed in order to obtain
the blessings
The sign of was to repent and
be baptised for remission of sins with the promise
of the gift of the Holy Ghost; and in no other way is
the gift of the Holy Ghost obtained
There is a difference between the
Holy Ghost and the gift of the Holy Ghost.
received the Holy Ghost before he was baptised which
was the convincing power of God unto him, of the
truth of the Gospel; but he could not receive the gift
of the Holy Ghost until after he was baptised. Had
he not taken this sign, this ordinance upon himself
the Holy Spirit which convinced him of the truth of
God would have left him until he had obeyed the
ordinance of baptism and received the gift of the Holy
Ghost by the laying on of hands according to the order
of God he could not have healed the sick nor commanded
an evil spirit to come out of a person and be obeyed for
the Spirit might say to him as to the sons of Seeney
Peter I know and I know and Jesus I know but who
are you?
It mattereth not whether we live long
or short after we come to a knowledge of the principles
of the Gospel and obey them. I know that all men will
be damned if they do not come in the way which God