My ordination to the office of an Elder; An account of my ministry
and labors while holding the office of an Elder in the Church of Christ
Sunday Elder Warren Parrish preached his farewell address to the Eagle
Creek branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. At the close of his discourse
Elder Parrish laid his hands upon my head and ordained me to the office of An
Elder and appointed me to preside over the Southern Churches. He also ordained Caswell Medlock A Deacon over the Eagle Creek branch of the Church. I wrote
A recommend for Elder Parrish to the Church in Kirtland signed by the male
members of the Church. We partook of the sacrament closed by singing a farewell
song I then rode in company with Elders Warren Parrish and Calvin H Nickolson to Br Medlocks
I receivedthe following license from ElderWarren Parrish
This certifies that Wilford Woodruff has been received into the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints organized on the 6th day of April 1830 And has been ordained
an Elder according to the rules and regulations of said Church and is duly authorized
to preach the gospel and act in all the ordinances of the House of the Lord agreeable to
the Authority of that office. Given under my hand by the voice of the Eagle Creek branch
of the Church of the Latter Day Saints on the 28th day of June 1835 Elder Warren Parris
I rode in company with Elders Parrish and Nicholson to Brother Frays then to
sqr Ivins Elder Parrish Baptized 1 person we then went to Brother Walkers and spent the night
I crossed the river rode 12 miles to Brother Utleys Elder Parris Baptized 3 in Henry County
Rode to John Jackson's & preached at his house 4 miles. There was an appointment made by the
mob to meet at Brother Jacksons today for the purpose of mobing us but while sickness fell
upon some and fear upon others they abandoned their design. I remained at Brother Jacksons
I rode to Mr Fosters preached at his house, then rode to Brother Lanes in Parris distance 30 miles
Rode 10 miles to Col Copelands. I spent the day at Col Copeland's
Sunday I preached at the Academy to a large congregation
I rode to Samuel Roberts preached at his house then rode to Brother Taylors 10 miles
I preached at Brother Taylers then rode to Mr Chumleys.
Rode to Dr Clausell's at Concord and preached in the grove then rode to Brother Taylors 10 mils
My ordination to the office of an Elder; An account of my ministry
and labors while holding the office of an Elder in the Church of Christ
Sunday Elder Warren Parrish preached his farewell address to the Eagle
Creek branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. At the close of his discourse
Elder Parrish laid his hands upon my head and ordained me to the office of An
Elder and appointed me to preside over the Southern Churches. He also ordained
Caswell Medlock A Deacon over the Eagle Creek branch of the Church. I wrote
A recommend for Elder Parrish to the Church in Kirtland signed by the male
members of the Church. We partook of the sacrament closed by singing a farewell
song I then rode in company with Elders Warren Parrish and Calvin H Nickolson to Br Medlocks
I receivedthe following license from ElderWarren Parrish
This certifies that Wilford Woodruff has been received into the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints organized on the 6th day of April 1830 And has been ordained
an Elder according to the rules and regulations of said Church and is duly authorized
to preach the gospel and act in all the ordinances of the House of the Lord agreeable to
the Authority of that office. Given under my hand by the voice of the Eagle Creek branch
of the Church of the Latter Day Saints on the 28th day of June 1835 Elder Warren Parris
I rode in company with Elders Parrish and Nicholson to Brother Frays then to
sqr Ivins Elder Parrish Baptized 1 person we then went to Brother Walkers and spent the night
We rode to John Walkers on Morgan Creek preached at his house then to Brother Frys 14 miles
Rode 8 miles to Brother Utley's and spent the night
We preached at Brother Utleys and organized that Branch of the Church called the Chalk
Level branch Elder Parrish ordained Abel B Wilson a Deacon
I crossed the river rode 12 miles to Brother Utleys Elder Parris Baptized 3 in Henry County
Rode to John Jackson's & preached at his house 4 miles. There was an appointment made by the
mob to meet at Brother Jacksons today for the purpose of mobing us but while sickness fell
upon some and fear upon others they abandoned their design. I remained at Brother Jacksons
I rode to Mr Fosters preached at his house, then rode to Brother Lanes in Paris distance 30 miles
Rode 10 miles to Col Copelands. I spent the day at Col Copeland's
Sunday I preached at the Academy to a large congregation
I rode to Samuel Roberts preached at his house then rode to Brother Taylors 10 miles
I preached at Brother Taylers then rode to Mr Chumleys.
Rode to Dr Clausell's at Concord and preached in the grove then rode to Brother Taylors 10 mils