off from their peeled fingers while they were swaring that they could not go to fight "Joe Smith but what thare
must be a Hail storm sent or some other Damned damned thin[g] kicked up to stop them["] and after the mob had
had spent that Dreary night in the midst of the pelting storm, all their amunictian wet many of their Horses gone
they were willing to return home & as soon as Arangements could be made this forlorn hope took the back
tract to Jackson County & other places to Joined the main body of mob. "fully satisfyed as were the survivors of
those who were drowned that when Jehovah fights they would rather be absent the gratifycation is too terrible"
There was but little Hail fell in our camp but the rain fall in torents & the wind blew all our tents down but fortunately
we were near an old Baptist meeting house wall [we all] went into that & was comfortable Joseph tried to hold up his tent itill
the groungd was covered with water then He let it blow down & went into the ^House with the^ rest of us & remarked as He came
in "Boys there is a meaning to the storm the Lord has sent this as a Blessing unto us it is for our defense the storm
in camp was but light to what it was around us, for all around for half a mile distant the Hail stones & lumps of Ice
fell in great abundance cut down the crops of corn cut off li[m]bs from the trees, lightnings flashed incessantly
& the roaring of thunder was tremendious. the Earth trembled & quaked it seemed at [as] if the mandates of
vengance had gone forth from the gGod of Battles to protect his servants from the Destruction of their enemies
The little stream that was not more than Ancle Deep at sundown in the morning was about 40 feet deep &
our Enemies swore that the waters rose 30 feet in 30 minuts in Little fishing River. it broke up all
the calculations of the mob about fighting us & they all broke up & went home the best they could
we went 5 miles onto the prairie to procure food for our horses & ourselves & to esstablish ourselves for a short
time so we could Defend ourselves from the wrath of our enemies, and while in this situation on Saturday the
Col Sconce with two other Leading men from Richmond Ray County came to see us & wished to know
our intentions. For said He I see there is an Almighty Power that protects this people for I started from
Richmond Ray County with a company of Armed men having a full determination to destroy you but was
kept back from you a tremendious storm. When He entered camp He was seized with a great trembling
& had to sit down & when he had told the object of his visit Joseph arose & addressed them & told
them our sufferings in Jackson County & other places in consequence of our religion & that we had come
1000 miles to bring clothing & other assistance to our persecuted Brethren and after making a lengthy speech
they were melted down & offered him their hands & said they would use their influence to allay the excitement
& would do us what good they could, they wept while Hearing the recital of our persecutions & found that our
intentions wer good, according to there agreement they rode all around among the people & allayed the excitement so that we could
go whare we pleased unmolested. Cornelius Gillom the sheriff of Clay County called upon us & wanted to see
Joseph Smith He steped forth & said I am the man the first time He had made himself known to his enemies since He
left Kirtland. He expressed his views concerning us & gave some instruction concerning the manners customs & dispositions of
the people. The Prophet Joseph received a revelation to day on Fishing River Missouri June 22 concerning our camp
excepting our offerings as He did Abrahambs &c it is published in the Church History concerning the Redemption of Zion.
About this time Brothers Thayer & Hayes were attacked with the cholera & Brother Hancock was taken during the storm
Joseph Had previously called the camp to gether & told them that in consequence of Disobedience they of some who were
not willing to listen to his words & carry out his council & had rebelled & said that God had decreed that sickness should
come upon them & they would die like sheep with the rot & warned the camp that they would be visited by sickness
& Judgment he was sorry for it but could not help it.
On the we started for Liberty Clay County
taking a circuitous course round the Heads of fishing river to avoid the deep water when within 5 or 6 miles of Liberty
we were met by Gen Atchinson & others who desired us not to go to Liberty as the feelings of the people were so much
against us. we then wheeled to the left & crossing the prairie & woodland we came to Sidney Gilberts Residents &
off from their peeled fingers while they were swaring that they could not go to fight "Joe Smith but what thare
must be a Hail storm sent or some other damned thing kicked up to stop them" and after the mob had
had spent that Dreary night in the midst of the pelting storm, all their amunitian wet many of their Horses gone
they were willing to return home & as soon as Arangements could be made this forlorn hope took the back
tract to Jackson County & other places to Joine the main body of mob. "fully satisfyed as were the survivors of
those who were drowned that when Jehovah fights they would rather be absent the gratifycation is too terrible"
There was but little Hail fell in our camp but the rain fall in torents & the wind blew all our tents down but fortunately
we were near an old Baptist meeting house wall we all went into that & was comfortable Joseph tried to hold up his tenttill
the ground was covered with water then He let it blow down & went into the House with the rest of us & remarked as He came
in "Boys there is a meaning to the storm the Lord has sent this as a Blessing unto us it is for our defense the storm
in camp was but light to what it was around us, for all around for half a mile distant the Hail stones & lumps of Ice
fell in great abundance cut down the crops of corn cut off limbs from the trees, lightnings flashed incessantly
& the roaring of thunder was tremendious. the Earth trembled & quaked it seemed at as if the mandates of
vengance had gone forth from theGod of Battles to protect his servants from the Destruction of their enemies
The little stream that was not more than Ancle Deep at sundown in the morning was about 40 feet deep &
our Enemies swore that the waters rose 30 feet in 30 minuts in Little fishing River. it broke up all
the calculations of the mob about fighting us & they all broke up & went home the best they could
we went 5 miles onto the prairie to procure food for our horses & ourselves & to esstablish ourselves for a short
time so we could Defend ourselves from the wrath of our enemies, and while in this situation on Saturday the
Col Sconce with two other Leading men from Richmond Ray County came to see us & wished to know
our intentions. For said He I see there is an Almighty Power that protects this people for I started from
Richmond Ray County with a company of Armed men having a full determination to destroy you but was
kept back from you a tremendious storm. When He entered camp He was seized with a great trembling
& had to sit down & when he had told the object of his visit Joseph arose & addressed them & told
them our sufferings in Jackson County & other places in consequence of our religion & that we had come
1000 miles to bring clothing & other assistance to our persecuted Brethren and after making a lengthy speech
they were melted down & offered him their hands & said they would use their influence to allay the excitement
& would do us what good they could, they wept while Hearing the recital of our persecutions & found that our
intentions wer good, according to there agreement they rode all around among the people & allayed the excitement so that we could
go whare we pleased unmolested. Cornelius Gillom the sheriff of Clay County called upon us & wanted to see
Joseph Smith He steped forth & said I am the man the first time He had made himself known to his enemies since He
left Kirtland. He expressed his views concerning us & gave some instruction concerning the manners customs & dispositions of
the people. The Prophet Joseph received a revelation to day on Fishing River Missouri June 22 concerning our camp
excepting our offerings as He did Abrahambs &c it is published in the Church History concerning the Redemption of Zion.
About this time Brothers Thayer & Hayes were attacked with the cholera & Brother Hancock was taken during the storm
Joseph Had previously called the camp to gether & told them that in consequence of Disobedience of some who were
not willing to listen to his words & carry out his council & had rebelled & said that God had decreed that sickness should
come upon them & they would die like sheep with the rot & warned the camp that they would be visited by sickness
& Judgment he was sorry for it but could not help it.
On the we started for Liberty Clay County
taking a circuitous course round the Heads of fishing river to avoid the deep water when within 5 or 6 miles of Liberty
we were met by Gen Atchinson & others who desired us not to go to Liberty as the feelings of the people were so much
against us. we then wheeled to the left & crossing the prairie & woodland we came to Sidney Gilberts Residents &
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865," p. 33, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 15, 2025,