I was frightened and did not wished to be put to the test of preaching in order to prove me
a preacher this was the view of Mr Jackson untill he became highly Excited and was in for
having some fun. I was pleased to see it take this turn for I desired to preach to the
people they set a table and gave me a good supper in a large hall. Mr Jackson went out into
the city immediately and gave Notice to a certain class of men and women to come to his hall
to hear an imposture preach, and before I got through eating the room began to be crouded
with a class of men and women who were dressed in their silks, satins, and Broad cloth and as
soon as I finished my supper the table wdeparted over the heads of the people and Mr Jackson
gave me a chair in the cornor of the room placed a stand before me with a Bible & Hymn
Book upon it about a dozen men formed a half circle in front of me and I saw by
the countenances of the people that they expected some sport. I commenced my meeting
by reading a Hymn I asked the assembly to sing but no one sung I then knelt down
and prayed the men in front of me all droped upon their knees. When I arose I read and read the 11 chapter of Romans and preached from the 21 vers "For if God spared not the
natural Branches take heed lest he also spareed not thee." I spent but few moments in talking
about the Jews But I turned to the assembly before me and as the spirit of God rested upon
me and revealed unto me the wickedness of their hearts I poured it out upon them and
told them of their wickedness whoredoms and abominations in vary plain terms
I do not suppose they ever had their sins as plainly pointed out to them as on this
occasion the men who sat in front of me droped their heads in the early part of my
discourse and I could not cketch their Eye afterwards, when I had thooroughly answered
my mind and had spoaken about an hour and a half I closed my meeting and not
a word was spoken by any person the room was instantly cleared and in two minutes
I was left alone. The Land Lady came in and and let me to my bed. I had not been
in bed but a few moments untill a croud of the men who had attended collected in the room
Joining me and dicused the subject of my being an impostor and my sermon and they decided
that I was not an impostor and it puzzled them much to understand how I should know so
much about their crimes being a stranger to them for I had told them much which they were
guilty off. They discussed this subject till near midnight when some Negroes came and broke
open their turkey roost and they all put out after the Negroes and this enabled me to go to
sleep. I arose in the morning and took breakfast. I then called upon Mr Jackson who
was in his store and I thanked him for his kindness and Entertainedment for the night
He said I was entirely welcome and if I ever came that way to called upon him and
I should be welcome to any thing his house afforded. I went my way and walked
32 miles and was kindly entertained for the night and over Sunday by Mr John A Logwood who is what is termed an Infidel by the Christian world I attended
a Presbytarian meeting in the forenoon the sermon was about 10 minutes long but devoid of sense,
meaning, light or knowledge this was in Fayett County I got 2 signers to my petition.
30th I walked 35 miles and spendt the night with sq[ui]r[e] Hardamand in Hardamand County I
was vary weary and went to bed early he had 2 sons returned home from colledge they had
a Ball and danced till 2 oclok in the morning so I did not get but little sleep
I was frightened and did not wished to be put to the test of preaching in order to prove me
a preacher this was the view of Mr Jackson untill he became highly Excited and was in for
having some fun. I was pleased to see it take this turn for I desired to preach to the
people they set a table and gave me a good supper in a large hall. Mr Jackson went out into
the city immediately and gave Notice to a certain class of men and women to come to his hall
to hear an imposture preach, and before I got through eating the room began to be crouded
with men and women who were dressed in their silks, satins, and Broad cloth and as
soon as I finished my supper the tabledeparted over the heads of the people and Mr Jackson
gave me a chair in the cornor of the room placed a stand before me with a Bible & Hymn
Book upon it about a dozen men formed a half circle in front of me and I saw by
the countenances of the people that they expected some sport. I commenced my meeting
by reading a Hymn I asked the assembly to sing but no one sung I then knelt down
and prayed the men in front of me all droped upon their knees. When I arose I read
the 11 chapter of Romans and preached from the 21 vers "For if God spared not the
natural Branches take heed lest he also spare not thee." I spent but few moments in talking
about the Jews But I turned to the assembly before me and as the spirit of God rested upon
me and revealed unto me the wickedness of their hearts I poured it out upon them and
told them of their wickedness whoredoms and abominations in vary plain terms
I do not suppose they ever had their sins as plainly pointed out to them as on this
occasion the men who sat in front of me droped their heads in the early part of my
discourse and I could notketch their Eye afterwards, when I had thoroughly answered
my mind and had spoaken about an hour and a half I closed my meeting and not
a word was spoken by any person the room was instantly cleared and in two minutes
I was left alone. The Land Lady came in and let me to my bed. I had not been
in bed but a few moments untill a croud of the men who had attended collected in the room
Joining me and dicused the subject of my being an impostor and my sermon and they decided
that I was not an impostor and it puzzled them much to understand how I should know so
much about their crimes being a stranger to them for I had told them much which they were
guilty off. They discussed this subject till near midnight when some Negroes came and broke
open their turkey roost and they all put out after the Negroes and this enabled me to go to
sleep. I arose in the morning and took breakfast. I then called upon Mr Jackson who
was in his store and I thanked him for his kindness and Entertainment for the night
He said I was entirely welcome and if I ever came that way to call upon him and
I should be welcome to any thing his house afforded. I went my way and walked
32 miles and was kindly entertained for the night and over Sunday by Mr
John A Logwood who is termed an Infidel by the Christian world I attended
a Presbytarian meeting in the forenoon the sermon was about 10 minutes long but devoid of sense,
meaning, light or knowledge this was in Fayett County I got 2 signers to my petition.
30th I walked 35 miles and spent the night with squire Hardamand in Hardamand County I
was vary weary and went to bed early he had 2 sons returned home from colledge they had
a Ball and danced till 2 oclok in the morning so I did not get but little sleep
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