Before the Lord and I called upon his Holy name and asked him to make known unto me the meaming of the
vision. And the voice of the Lord came unto me saying, Son of man thou hast saught diligently to know
the truth concerning my Church & kingdom among man, this is to show you that my Church is not organized
upon the face of the earth in the generation in which you live, neither is the true fruit of the kingdom of God made
manifest among the people; but in the days of your children even the rising generation shall the Church & kingdom
of God be made manifest, revealed and esstablished upon the Earth among the children of men, then shall the
true fruit of the vine & the gospel of Christ be given unto all those who will receive it & obey the ordinances of the
Gospel of Salvation. You will live to bea made acquainted with it but will not live to partake of it before you depart this
life, but you will be blessed of the Lord after death because you have followed the dictation of the Holy
spirit while in life." when he had finished relating the vision He said to me I am satisfyed that you will
stand in that Kingdom & assist in building it up, but I shall die before I partake of its ordinances, he then
blessed me in the name of the Lord & bid me farewell, it being the Last time that I ever saw him. This was in
, and he was vary aged. In Zera Pulsipher came to Richland Oswego County New York
whare I was then living He was holding the office of an Elder & he preached the gospel to us in that place
and I went forth & was Baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and almost
the first person I thought off was Father Robert Mason and on my arival in Missourinas a member
of Zion Camp, I wrote a long letter to him & other friends setting forth the coming visitation of
the Angel of God, the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, the esstablishment of the Church
of Christ & Kingdom of God, with the priesthood & all its attendant Blessings and all things
which I could think of connected with the esstablishment of the Church in its infancy. [Joseph Smith-History 1:59] The
old Gentleman received the Letter with a great deal of satisfaction & had it read over
many times to him, & handled it (as he did the fruit in his vision) & rejoiced before the Lord
but he sonon died & had not an opportunity of receiving the ordinances from under the hands of an
Elder in the Church, but the first opportunity which I had I was baptized for him in the Font at Nauvoo.
One of the most remarkable events of Father Masons Life was he said he was called to Fast forty
days, and he commenced to fast & pray with a determination to Fast the Forty days, but he fasted
twenty seven days without taking any nourishment or food, but on the twenty seventh day the Lord
told him to arise & eat for he had excepted his sacrafize as he did Abrahams. The Lord told him
to kill a Lamb & cook & eat of it & he did so & his apetite came to him & he partook of a harty
meal without any injury to him & the next day he walked 10 miles. He considered that He fasted
the 40 days as Much as Abram offered up his son Isaac He felt that he could have fasted the
40 days as well as the 27. [Genesis 22:1-18] There was a reasonableness in the teachings of this man which so
firmly agreed with the prophesies & teachings of the Ancient Prophets & Christ and the Apos-
tles that I firmly believed them with all my heart, And I gave myself to the reading of
the scriptures & Earnest prayer before God day & night as far as I had an oppertunity
for years before I herd the preaching of the fulness of the Gospel by a Latter Day Saint. I
have plead with the Lord many hours, in the forest, among the rocks, in the fields, in the Mill &
at midnight that He would give unto me light, truth, & the spirit of God to lead me in the way
of salvation And my Prayers were answered untill many things were revealed unto me & my
mind was opened to the truth so much so that I was fully satisfied that I should live to see the true
Church of Christ esstablished upon the Earth & a people raised up who would do the will of God &
keep his commandments & who would bring forth the true fruit of that Kingdom
Before the Lord and I called upon his Holy name and asked him to make known unto me the meaming of the
vision. And the voice of the Lord came unto me saying, Son of man thou hast saught diligently to know
the truth concerning my Church & kingdom among man, this is to show you that my Church is not organized
upon the face of the earth in the generation in which you live, neither is the true fruit of the kingdom of God made
manifest among the people; but in the days of your children even the rising generation shall the Church & kingdom
of God be made manifest, revealed and esstablished upon the Earth among the children of men, then shall the
true fruit of the vine & the gospel of Christ be given unto all those who will receive it & obey the ordinances of the
Gospel of Salvation. You will live to be made acquainted with it but will not live to partake of it before you depart this
life, but you will be blessed of the Lord after death because you have followed the dictation of the Holy
spirit while in life." when he had finished relating the vision He said to me I am satisfyed that you will
stand in that Kingdom & assist in building it up, but I shall die before I partake of its ordinances, he then
blessed me in the name of the Lord & bid me farewell, it being the Last time that I ever saw him. This was in
1828, and he was vary aged. In Zera Pulsipher came to Richland Oswego County New York
whare I was then living He was holding the office of an Elder & he preached the gospel to us in that place
and I went forth & was Baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and almost
the first person I thought off was Father Robert Mason and on my arival in Missourias a member
of Zion Camp, I wrote a long letter to him & other friends setting forth the visitation of
the Angel of God, the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, the esstablishment of the Church
of Christ & Kingdom of God, with the priesthood & all its attendant Blessings and all things
which I could think of connected with the esstablishment of the Church in its infancy. The
old Gentleman received the Letter with a great deal of satisfaction & had it read over
many times to him, & handled it (as he did the fruit in his vision) & rejoiced before the Lord
but he soon died & had not an opportunity of receiving the ordinances from under the hands of an
Elder in the Church, but the first opportunity which I had I was baptized for him in the Font at Nauvoo.
One of the most remarkable events of Father Masons Life was he said he was called to Fast forty
days, and he commenced to fast & pray with a determination to Fast the Forty days, but he fasted
twenty seven days without taking any nourishment or food, but on the twenty seventh day the Lord
told him to arise & eat for he had excepted his sacrafize as he did Abrahams. The Lord told him
to kill a Lamb & cook & eat of it & he did so & his apetite came to him & he partook of a harty
meal without any injury to him & the next day he walked 10 miles. He considered that He fasted
the 40 days as Much as Abram offered up his son Isaac He felt that he could have fasted the
40 days as well as the 27. There was a reasonableness in the teachings of this man which so
firmly agreed with the prophesies & teachings of the Ancient Prophets & Christ and the Apostles that I firmly believed them with all my heart, And I gave myself to the reading of
the scriptures & Earnest prayer before God day & night as far as I had an oppertunity
for years before I herd the preaching of the fulness of the Gospel by a Latter Day Saint. I
have plead with the Lord many hours, in the forest, among the rocks, in the fields, in the Mill &
at midnight that He would give unto me light, truth, & the spirit of God to lead me in the way
of salvation And my Prayers were answered untill many things were revealed unto me & my
mind was opened to the truth so much so that I was fully satisfied that I should live to see the true
Church of Christ esstablished upon the Earth & a people raised up who would do the will of God &
keep his commandments & who would bring forth the true fruit of that Kingdom
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"Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865," p. 17, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 19, 2025,