22 Sunday we Preached to Mr Hubbel's to a full House at the close of the meeting Brother Brown Baptized Mr Hubbel & his wife
23rd Brother Brown was now vary anxious to continue his Journey down the Arkansas River to Little Rock
cross the Missippi bottom and go into the State of Tennessee. This is an Error which many Elders fall
into as soon as they get doors open for preaching & the people were ready to receive it they will run away
& leave them this was the case with us. We had been there 13 days had met with much opposition in
the begining but the Lord had sent Judgment upon our opposers & there had been more than 20 death in the
neighborhood during our stay with the people, and our worst opposer had droped dead at my feet, my dream
had its pe[r]fect fulfillment, prejudice had given way, & the people were Just ready to Embrace the gospel &
pleading with us to stay and preach to them, which had we have done we certainly should have built up a
church in that place. I wished to stop & labour with the people as the Lord had opened doors for us, But Br
Brown would not consent. He was Holding the office of an Elder, I a Priest, And I felt that I must
be subject to any one over me in office so I had to yield much to the grief of the people & in opposition
to my own Judgment. We left Brother Hubbel's accompanied by Brother Wright Akeman travelled 23 miles
crossed the Arkansas River for the purpose of making a canoe to go down the river in we spent the
night with John Morse
We went onto the Bank of the River cut down a cottonwood tree 4 feet in diamieter & cut
off 12 feet of the butt of it & spent the day in diging it out
We finished our canoe & launchied it put on a good pair of oars & tied it to a tree
We crossed the River returned 23 miles to Brother Hubbel's to attend to an Appointment which we had left
We spent the day labouring with our hands we did not eat the bread of Idleness but we spent all our
leisure time in labour where ever we were this I considered to be right
We Preached at Brother Hubbels House
Sunday & my birth day I Preached to day to a large congregation at Brother Hubbels House
and the last time we ever preached to the people in that settlement there was a great anxiety among the people about
our leaving them they left the meeting with tears in their eyes I was 28 years of age this day
I took the Parting Hand with Brother & Sister Hubbel & all our Friends upon Petty John Creek we were
accompanied By Brother Wright Akeman we travelled to the dardanells crossed the river and was
kindly received by Mr John Morse, here we found Mr Wm & Willis Akeman I got 7 signers
to the petition today. travelled 23 miles
A Frenchman by the name of Sangrain made us an offer to take us down the river in a Flat bottom
boat & pay us some wages if we would stop a few days we excepted his proposals & went to labouring
for him with our hands we spent the week choping & spliting black wallnut rails up to the
Sunday I preached at the house of Mr John Morse. Brother Brown & myself visited the top
of the high Bluffs at the dardanells & engraved our names in the rock. This is the high station which
the Osage Indians chose to look for their Enemies in time of war it is several hundred feet perpendicular
to the ground below & it is said that the Indians formerly flung their prisioners down this precipice where
they were dashed to peaces
, & We continued to labour for Mr Sangrain we saw some dangerous reptiles while here such as
Tarantula & Centipedes which are numerous in Arkansas
22 Sunday we Preached to Mr Hubbel's to a full House at the close of the meeting Brother
Brown Baptized Mr Hubbel & his wife
23rd Brother Brown was now vary anxious to continue his Journey down the Arkansas River to Little Rock
cross the Missippi bottom and go into the State of Tennessee. This is an Error which many Elders fall
into as soon as they get doors open for preaching & the people were ready to receive it they will run away
& leave them this was the case with us. We had been there 13 days had met with much opposition in
the begining but the Lord had sent Judgment upon our opposers & there had been more than 20 death in the
neighborhood during our stay with the people, and our worst opposer had droped dead at my feet, my dream
had its perfect fulfillment, prejudice had given way, & the people were Just ready to Embrace the gospel &
pleading with us to stay and preach to them, which had we have done we certainly should have built up a
church in that place. I wished to stop & labour with the people as the Lord had opened doors for us, But Br
Brown would not consent. He was Holding the office of an Elder, I a Priest, And I felt that I must
be subject to any one over me in office so I had to yield much to the grief of the people & in opposition
to my own Judgment. We left Brother Hubbel's accompanied by Brother Wright Akeman travelled 23 miles
crossed the Arkansas River for the purpose of making a canoe to go down the river in we spent the
night with John Morse
We went onto the Bank of the River cut down a cottonwood tree 4 feet in diameter & cut
off 12 feet of the butt of it & spent the day in diging it out
We finished our canoe & launched it put on a good pair of oars & tied it to a tree
We crossed the River returned 23 miles to Brother Hubbel's to attend to an Appointment which we had left
We spent the day labouring with our hands we did not eat the bread of Idleness but we spent all our
leisure time in labour where ever we were this I considered to be right
We Preached at Brother Hubbels House
Sunday & my birth day I Preached to day to a large congregation at Brother Hubbels House
and the last time we ever preached to the people in that settlement there was a great anxiety among the people about
our leaving them they left the meeting with tears in their eyes I was 28 years of age this day
I took the Parting Hand with Brother & Sister Hubbel & all our Friends upon Petty John Creek we were
accompanied By Brother Wright Akeman we travelled to the dardanells crossed the river and was
kindly received by Mr John Morse, here we found Mr Wm & Willis Akeman I got 7 signers
to the petition today. travelled 23 miles
A Frenchman by the name of Sangrain made us an offer to take us down the river in a Flat bottom
boat & pay us some wages if we would stop a few days we excepted his proposals & went to labouring
for him with our hands we spent the week choping & spliting black wallnut rails up to the
Sunday I preached at the house of Mr John Morse. Brother Brown & myself visited the top
of the high Bluffs at the dardanells & engraved our names in the rock. This is the high station which
the Osage Indians chose to look for their Enemies in time of war it is several hundred feet perpendicular
to the ground below & it is said that the Indians formerly flung their prisioners down this precipice where
they were dashed to peaces
, & We continued to labour for Mr Sangrain we saw some dangerous reptiles while here such as
Tarantula & Centipedes which are numerous in Arkansas
Select a date to see more documents from that day.