New Year's Day as a Missionary in Maine | Day in the Life of Wilford Woodruff
Writer: Aubrey Barzee
Speaker: Kate Boyle
Editor: Aubrey Barzee
On January 1, 1838, Wilford Woodruff was serving as a missionary in Maine. He wrote of his success and shared some of his goals for the upcoming year in service. He said,
“I have been declaring the word of God faithfully . . . for many days and the Spirit of God is like fire in a dry stubble, among the people . . . O may the Lord bless us all in righteousness. O may the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob stand by me and give me many souls as seals of my ministry during this year. May He enable me to go and come at His bidding and keep His commandments in all things.”
What are some of your Christ-centered goals for this new year?