“The Virtue of the Word of God” | Come, Follow Me July 15-21

Writer: Scott Hansen 

Speaker: Maddie Christensen 

Editor: Caralyn Cleaver

Come, Follow Me


In Alma 31, we read about Alma struggling to lead a large group of people who were perverting the ways of the Church. This aftermath of Korihor preaching false doctrine forced Alma to call the apostate Zoramites to repentance. During his previous missionary experience, Alma had learned that the gospel “had [a] more powerful effect upon the minds of the people than the sword, or anything else . . . therefore [he] thought it was expedient that they should try the virtue of the word of God” (Alma 31:5). 

When we study and act on the word of God, He can help us make lasting change in our lives. 

Wilford Woodruff ran into a similar situation as Alma did while spreading the gospel on islands off the coast of Maine. In his journal, he wrote, “I have been declaring the word of God faithfully through these Islands for many days . . . the Spirit of God is like fire, in a dry stubble, among the people. Prejudice is rolling away like a torrent, and God is manifesting his work in mighty power.” Wilford experienced firsthand the changes that can occur in the people’s hearts when they accept the word of God.

How will you turn to the word of God for answers in your own life?