Wilford Woodruff Goes Fishing | Day in the Life of Wilford Woodruff

Speaker: Erin Hills

Writer: Maddie Christensen

Editor: Jacob Edmunds

Day in the Life


One of my favorite journal entries that Wilford Woodruff recorded was on September 14, 1838. On this day, Wilford spent the day fishing, which was one of his favorite hobbies. He also recorded a basic recipe for chowder.

He shares:

“I accompanied Father Carter & Brother Fabyan…& some others in a fish boat out into the bay for a fishing tour. The morning was pleasant after the storm, but a high sea. We dug a quantity of clams for bait & launched forth into the deep. After beating two miles we hove to, cast anchor, & caught a small quantity of fish. We then sailed to a point of Land & built up a fire hung on a pot, fried out some pork & dressed 6 Haddock & one Hake & put them into the pot. We sliced in some potatoes & put in a quantity of crackers & by adding some seasoning & boiling it until it was thoroughly cooked it formed as rich a dish as would be necessary to set before a King. This kind of a dish is what seaman or fisherman call a chowder.”

Even though Wilford Woodruff was often busy with Church work, he also had quite a few hobbies he enjoyed doing. What are some of your hobbies?