
Explore information on thousands of people who are included in Wilford Woodruff's records. Discover their stories through his daily journal entries and their correspondence with him.

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These short biographies identify individuals by name; birth date and location; parentage; marriage date and location (if applicable); baptism date and location (if applicable); death date and location; and a brief description of their association with Wilford Woodruff. A biographical reference is included for individuals who are mentioned in the Papers but may not have associated directly with him, such as historical and scriptural figures.

This list is regularly updated as new documents are transcribed and published on this site.


1 mention
Native American
10 mentions
Native American
2 mentions
Native American
1 mention
Native American
4 mentions
Native American
1 mention
Native American
Chief Arimo
1 mention
Native American
23 mentions
Native American
1 mention
Native American
1 mention
Native American
Chief Cachaby
unk.-aft. 1888
6 mentions
Native American
8 mentions
Native American
3 mentions
Native American
2 mentions
Native American
Chief Joseph
1 mention
Native American
12 mentions
Native American
1 mention
Native American
1 mention
Native American
Chief Ouray
1 mention
Native American
2 mentions
Native American
1 mention
Native American
3 mentions
Native American
10 mentions
Native American
2 mentions
Native American
19 mentions
Native American
3 mentions
Native American
1 mention
Native American
1 mention
Native American
1 mention
Native American
1 mention
Historical Figure, Native American
5 mentions
Native American
28 mentions
Native American
3 mentions
Native American
2 mentions
Native American
2 mentions
Native American
2 mentions
Native American
1 mention
Native American
2 mentions
Native American
2 mentions
Native American
2 mentions
Native American
1 mention
Native American
2 mentions
Native American
2 mentions
Native American
1 mention
Native American
1 mention
Native American
2 mentions
Native American
1 mention
Native American
1 mention
Native American
2 mentions
Native American
2 mentions
Native American
1 mention
Native American
2 mentions
Native American
2 mentions
Native American
1 mention
Native American
3 mentions
Native American
1 mention
Native American
2 mentions
Native American
5 mentions
Native American
2 mentions
Native American
1 mention
Native American
1 mention
Native American
2 mentions
Native American
3 mentions
Native American
2 mentions
Native American
9 mentions
Native American
1 mention
Native American
2 mentions
Native American
1 mention
Native American
1 mention
Native American
Tom Polacca
bef. 1861-1911
10 mentions
Native American
1 mention
Native American
1 mention
Native American
Chief Tuba
abt. 1810-abt. 1887
1 mention
Native American
3 mentions
Native American
Moroni Bosnell Woodruff
abt. 1843-aft. 1861
31 mentions
Family, Native American
Saroquetes Woodruff
abt. 1852-1901
29 mentions
Family, Native American
1 mention
Native American
1 mention
Native American