Brother Richie, Sunset
Brother Richie prayed and spoke at a meeting Wilford Woodruff attended on 8 Feb. 1880 in Sunset, Apache Co., Arizona Territory. If you have any information that will help us positively identify Brother Richie, such as his full name, birth date, death date, or FamilySearch PID, please send a message to
Brother Richie, Sunset, Wilford Woodruff Papers (, accessed 26 Dec. 2023). Note: This Brother Richie was likely James Richey (KWJY-WVP) or one of his two adult sons, James Moroni Richey (KWCP-9W8) and Joseph Benjamin Richey (K2Q6-TT9). All three lived in St. Johns, Apache, Arizona Territory but it cannot be deternined which of these three men was the Brother Richie referred to.