Charles Coulson Rich
Charles Coulson Rich (1809-1883) was born 21 Aug. 1809 in Campbell Co., Kentucky. He was the son of Joseph Rich and Nancy O’Neal. He married Sarah Dearmon Pea on 11 Feb. 1838; participated in plural marriage. He was baptized 1 Apr. 1832. He and Wilford Woodruff were part of Zion's Camp, members of the Nauvoo Masonic Lodge, and served together in Church leadership positions from the 1830s to the 1880s. He died 17 Nov. 1883 in Paris, Bear Lake Co., Idaho Territory.
Charles Coulson Rich, Wilford Woodruff Papers (, accessed 13 Dec. 2024). Charles Coulson Rich, The Joseph Smith Papers (, accessed 13 Dec. 2024). Sarah DeArmon Pea Rich, “Sarah P. Rich autobiography, 1884-1893 / Autobiography and journal, 1885-1890 / Autobiography and journal, 1890-1893," MS 1543; Church History Library (, accessed 13 Dec. 2024). "Missionary Department missionary registers, 1860-1959 / Book B, 1860 April 25-1894 April 27,” entry for Charles Coulson Rich, p. 1, no. 3, image 2/148, CR 301 22; Church History Library (, accessed 13 Dec. 2024).