Day in the Life

Apr 25, 1834

Journal Entry

April 25, 1834 ~ Friday
April 25th 1834

To travel towards Kirtland and arived
there at night on the 25th of Aprail 1834
There for the first time I had a view
of our beloved Brother Joseph Smith
the prophet & Seer which God hath
raised up in these last days through
whom the saints receieve Revelations
from time to time.

^I here first time became acquainted with Elder Milton Holmes who traveld with us in the camp
to Mo.


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Holmes, Milton
16 Jan 1811 - 30 Apr 1881
218 mentions
Maine Mission


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Related Documents

Browse other documents with this same date. These could include pages from Wilford Woodruff's autobiographies, daybooks, letters, histories, and personal papers. Click on the document titles to view the full document.

Autobiography 1882 Leaves from My Journal

I ARRIVED at Kirtland on the , and for the first time saw the Prophet Joseph Smith. He invited me to his house. I spent about a week with him, and became acquainted with him and his family, also with many of the Elders and Saints living in Kirtland, quite a number of whom were preparing to go up to Zion.

Autobiography 1892 Deseret News Notes

where I became acquainted with Joseph Smith.

Religious – The History of Zion's Camp

on the night of the , and the first time they met with the Prophet Joseph Smith, who invited them to make their home with him while they stayed in Kirtland, which invertation they gladly accepted. Orson Pratt and John Murdock also accompanied them to Kirtland. The brothering were arriving daily in Kirt- land, to preprare for their journey. One evening while Wilford Woodruff, Milton Homes, and sevral of the brotherin were with the Prophet in his house he sayed "I want some money to help fit out Zion and I know that I shall have it." In the morning Brother Joseph Received a letter from Sister Vose of Boston, containing $250. He took the money out of the

Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine

rived in Kirtland on the 25th day of April, 1834. The Prophet Joseph invited me to make his house my home; I accepted his offer, and staid with him about one week. I became acquainted with many of the high priests, elders and Saints. I spent one Sabbath in Kirtland and heard many of the elders speak, and I felt to rejoice before God for the light and knowledge which was manifested to me during that day.

Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865

Zion which he held in his possession. We arived in the Town of Kirtland on the night of the 25th of April 1834. There for the first time in my life I had an interview with our Beloved Brother Joseph Smith the Prophet Seer & Revelator whom God has raised up in these last day to esstablish his Church & kingdom in the Last days & to bring forth Revelation unto the children of man this was the most important event of my life as far as my feelings were concerned Although my first introductions to him was of that Nature that might have been calculated to have tried the feelings & faith of some men whato had formed in there own mind how a Prophet would look & act for when I first saw him & his Brother Hiram they were shooting at a mark with a brace of Pistols when they stoped shooting I was introduced to them Brother Joseph shook hands Hartily with me & invited me to go to his house & make his habitation my home while I stayed in Kirtland I gladly excepted the invitation & went home in a few moments he brought into the room a wolf skin & said come Brother Woodruff I want you to help me tan this wolf skin as I want to put it on my seat while I go my Journey to the west so I pulled off my coat rolled up my sleeves & went at it & soon taned it over a chair post. while employed at this I smiled at the appearance of my first labour with the prophet but during the evening He was conversing about the camps going to Zion. He was filled with the spirit of the Lord He smote upon his breast and said I would to God I could unbosom my feelings in the House of my Friends Among his remarks in the evening He said dont be discouraged Brethren about our not having means to go to Zion will the Lord will provide means & He will put it into the Heart of somebody to send me some money. next day he received a Letter from Sister Vose containing $150. when He opened the Letter & took out the money He exclaimed see here did I not tell you last evening that the Lord would send me some money to help us on our Journey here it is I was perfectly satisfyed that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. I here became acquainted with Many of the Brethren who were going in the camp of Zion & with the High Priest & Elder & private members of the Church who were living in Kirtland among whom was the Smith family Cowdry, Rigdon, Brigham Young

Autobiography 1857 Draft 1

in Kirtland on the , where I f was introduced to the prophet Joseph the first time I had ever seen him. He invited me to make his house my home which kind offer I excepted of & staid with him about one week. I have for the first time became acquainted not ownly with the Prophet Joseph & his family but with many of the High Priests, Elders & Saints which I had never before seen I spent one Sabbath in Kirtland & heard many of the ^leading^ Elders speak & I felt to rejoice before God for the light & knowledge which was manifest to me during that day through the preaching of the Elders of Israel. According to appointment I left Kirtland

Autobiography 1857 Draft 2

on the . I was introduced to The prophet Joseph, who invited me to make his house my home; which kind offer I accepted, ^his offer^ and staid with him about one week. I became acquainted not only with the prophet Joseph, and his family but / with ^stet^ many of the High Priests Elders and Saints. I spent one Sabbath in Kirtland and heard many of the Elders speak, and I felt to rejoice before God for the light and knowledge which was manifested to me during that day.

Autobiography 1865 Millennial Star

the day of April, 1834. The Prophet Joseph invited me to make his house my home; I accepted his offer, and staid with him about one week. I became acquainted with many of the High Priests, Elders and Saints. I spent one Sabbath in Kirt- land, and heard many of the Elders speak, and I felt to rejoice before God for the light and knowledge which was manifested to me during that day.

Autobiography 1858 Deseret News

and arrived in Kirtland on the 25th day of April, 1834. The Prophet Joseph invited me to make his house my home; I accepted his offer, and staid with him about one week. I became acquaint- ed with many of the High Priests, Elders and Saints. I spent one Sabbath in Kirtland and heard many of the Elders speak, and I felt to rejoice before God for the light and knowledge which was manifested to me during that day.


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Apr 25, 1834