Day in the Life

Jan 13, 1835

Journal Entry

January 13, 1835 ~ Tuesday

I have now arranged my business
and are prepared to go forth into the
world to preach the gospel of Jesus
Christ and on this 13th day of Jan
I receieved a recommend which
reads as follows.

Liberty Clay Co. Ma. January the 13 1835.
This certifies that Willford Woodruff
has faithfully Discharged evry
duty required of him in the Camp
of the Saints in Journ[ey]ing from
Kirtland to this place has been
very faithful in the discharge
of his duty since his Arrival
here Both spiritual and Temporal
is strong in the faith of the latter
Day Saints and worthy of his
calling he is Recommended
by the Church in this place
to any Branch whare providence
may call him

Lyman Wight

On the 13th of Jan 1835
I left Brother Lyman Wights
in company with my Beloved
Brother Henry Brown to go forth
to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ
without purse or scrip to the people
in the South. May God grant us
wisdom and make us meet for
our Masters use and assist us to
rightly divide the word of truth and
render to evry man their portion
of meet in Due season [Luke 12:42] that our
garments may be clean of the Blood
of this generation [Doctrine and Covenants 88:85]

This is my first
mishion or the first commencement
of my travels to preach the gospel
Jan 13th I left Brother Lyman
Wights 7 miles east of Lyberty
and crossed Keerys ferry into
Jackson County being the first
time my feet had ever stood upon
that land I their joined Brother
Henry in offering up our petitions


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Brown, Henry
7 Mar 1808 - 24 Apr 1852
Wight, Lyman
9 May 1796 - 31 Mar 1858
198 mentions


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On the 13th of Jan 1835 I left Brother Lyman Wights in company with my Beloved Brother Henry Brown to go forth to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ without purse or scrip to the people in the South. May God grant us wisdom and make us meet for our Masters use and assist us to rightly divide the word of truth and render to evry man their portion of meet in due season that our garments may be clean of the Blood of this generation
~ Wilford Woodruff

Related Documents

Browse other documents with this same date. These could include pages from Wilford Woodruff's autobiographies, daybooks, letters, histories, and personal papers. Click on the document titles to view the full document.

Mission - Letter of Recommendation, 13 January 1835

Liberty Clay county Mo This certifies that Wilford Woodruff has faithfuly discharged Evry Duty required of him in the camp of the Saints in Journing from Kirtland to this place has Ben very faithful in the Discharge of his Duty Since his Abode here Both Spiruital and Temper[al] is strong in the faith of the Latter Day Saints and worthy of his calling he is Recomeded [recommended] By the church in this Place to Any Branch where Providence may call him Lyman Wight

Autobiography 1897 Deseret Weekly

until the , when I left Lyman Wight's, in company with Henry Brown, to go on a mission to the Southern states. We passed through Jackson county, Missouri, and through Arkansas, and from Little Rock to Memphis, Tennessee. I spent two years in Tennessee and Ken- tucky. While there I was ordained to the office of an Elder under the hands of Warren Parrish, and afterwards a member of the Second quorum of the Seventy, under the hands of David W. Patten. I ordained A. O. Smoot to

Autobiography 1892 Deseret News Notes

untill the , when I left Lyman Wight's, in company with Harry Brown, to go on a Mission to the Southern States. We passed through Jackson Co.^unty^ Mo.^issouri^ and through Arkansas, and from Little Rock to Memphis Memphis, Tennessee. I spent 2 two years in Tennessee & Kentucky. wWhile there I was ordained to the office of an Elder & a Member of the 2nd quorum of the seventies under the Hands of David Patten. I ordained A. O. Smoot

Autobiography 1892 Deseret News Notes

With Harry Brown I started on a mission into the Southern states through Arkansas, Tennessee, & Kentucky.

Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865

on the I received the following Recommend Liberty, Clay County, Missouri, Jan 13th 1835. This certifies that Wilford Woodruff has faithfully discharged evry duty required of him in the Camp of the Saints in Journeying from Kirtland Ohio to this place, has been very faithful in the discharge of his duty since his arival here both spiritual & temporal, is strong in the faith of the Latter Day Saints and worthy of his calling he is recommended by the Church in this place to any branch whare Providence may call him Lyman Wight After receiving the above recommend I bid Brother Wight & family goodby and shouldered my voliese weighing 15 lbs, mostly Books of Mormon, and started in company with Elder Henry Brown upon my first mission upon this 13th day of Jan 1835. we started without purse or scrip. I also took with me a petition to the Governor of Missouri for redress of wrongs done us biy the inhabitants of Jackson County in driving us from our homes iand lands in Jackson County Missouri. this was a bold move as we were about to pass through Jackson County & should we be caught by the mob & the petition found with us it might cost us our lives. But I felt to lift up my heart in prayer to God to preserve us from the hand of our enemies and to Grant us wisdom & make us meet for our Masters use and assist us to rightly divide the word of truth & give evry man their portion of meat in due season that our garments might be clear of the Blood of all men. We crossed the Missouri River in a ferry bout & landed in Jackson County as we steped upon the bank two horsemen went into the boat they Eyed us vary close but said nothing to us. this was the first time that my feet had ever troad the soil of Jackson County Missouri and I felt to thank God for the privilege we bowed down upon our knees before God & offered up our petitions & thanksgivings unto God while at the same time that Land was polluted by wicked and ungodly men. we travelled 23 miles & spent the night with one Brother Benson who still remained in that county & we got 5 signers to the ^petition to the^ Governor of Missouri for wrongs done us by the Jackson

Mission - Account of the early part of Southern States Mission, 13 January 1835 - 27 March 1835

I received an honorable dis- charge from Lyman Wight, certifying that I had faithfully performed my duties in Zion's camp. I took my valise in hand, weighing 15lbs, mostly books of Mormon, and started in com- pany with Elder Harry Brown, crossed the river into Jackson county, and felt thankful. We bowed our knees, and prayed that God might protect us from the mob while going through the country, and that His judgments might rest upon the wicked who had shed the blood of the Saints in that land, that the land might be cleansed from sin. I had a petition

Autobiography 1857 Draft 1

County & on the I took my valise in hand weighing 15 lbs mostly Books of Mormon & started in company with Elder Harry ^Brown^ without without purse or scrip & crossed the ferry ^river^ into Jackson County, * ^* as we stepped onto the bank two horsmen le^a^d there horses onto the bank they eyed us very closely but said^ ^nothing to us^ we stopped south open our mission This was the first & last time that we ever trod the soil of Jackson County, we felt thankful for the privilege & we bowed our knees before the Lord & offered up the gratitude of our hearts unto our Father in heaven for the privilege & prayed for his protection whi from the mob while going through the county as the Saints had just been driven out and ^as^ a Latter Day Saint perriled his life to found in the county, we prayed that the judgments of God might rest upon the wicked who had shed the blood of the Saints in that land that their blood might be avenged & that the land might be cleansed from sin wicked- ness & abominations & redeemed that the Saints might again inherit it we arose & went on our way rejoiceing. I had in my possession a petition to the Governor of Missouri for redress of wrongs done us in Jackson County for the purpose of obtaining signat[ure] unto it we bent our way south through Jackson County without any harm yet in one instance we were miraculously preserved from a large mob ^of about 60^ assembled at a grog shop which we

Autobiography 1857 Draft 1

((Liberty, Clay County, Missouri, This certifies that Wilford Woodruff has faithfully discharged evry duty required of him in the Camp of the Saints on the 13 day Jan 1835 I received an honorable discharge from Lyman Wight from the duties of Zions Camp and

Autobiography 1857 Draft 2

I received an honorable discharge from Lyman

Daybook (Appointment Book with 1836 Daybook)

of a Priest divided thus from the to the 28th of June of the sam year

Autobiography 1865 Millennial Star

—I received an honor- able discharge from Lyman Wight, certifying that I had faithfully per- formed my duties in Zion's Camp. I took my valise in hand, weighing 15 lbs., mostly Books of Mormon, and started in company with Elder Harry Brown, crossed the river into Jackson county, and felt thankful. We bowed our knees, and prayed that God might protect us from the mob while going through the country, and that his judgments might rest upon the wicked who had shed the blood of the Saints in that land, that the land might be cleansed from sin. I had a petition to the Governor of Missouri, for re- dress of wrongs perpetrated upon us in Jackson county, for the purpose of obtaining signatures. We bent our way south, through Jackson county, without any molestation; yet, in one instance, we were preserved from a mob of about sixty, assembled at a grog-shop which we had to pass. (To be continued.)

Autobiography 1858 Deseret News

—I received an honorable dis- charge from Lyman Wight, certifying that I had faithfully performed my duties in Zion's camp. I took my valise in hand, weighing 15lbs, mostly books of Mormon, and started in com- pany with Elder Harry Brown, crossed the river into Jackson county, and felt thankful. We bowed our knees, and prayed that God might protect us from the mob while going through the country, and that His judgments might rest upon the wicked who had shed the blood of the Saints in that land, that the land might be cleansed from sin. I had a petition to the Governor of Missouri, for redress of wrongs perpetrated upon us in Jackson county, for the purpose of obtaining signatures. We bent our way south, through Jackson county, without any molestation; yet, in one instance, we were preserved from a mob of about sixty, assembled at a grog shop which we had to pass.

Daybook (13 January 1835 - 26 November 1836)

Willford Woodruff Day Book or Journal This is the first mishion or the first commencement of my travels to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. On the 13th day Jan 1835 I commenced travling in company with Henry Brown as my partner. We now intend if the Lord will to visit the Southern States May God grant us wisdom and make us meet for our Masters use and assist us to rightly divide the word of truth and render to evry man their portion of meet in due season that our garments may be clear of the blood of this generation

Daybook (13 January 1835 - 26 November 1836)

I left Brother Wights at 7 miles east of Liberty Clay Co. and traveled 23 miles to Brother Bensons Layfaette Co. got 5 signers to the petition In this days travel we crossed Keeneys ferry into Jackson County and upon that land for the first time Brother Harry Brown and myself kneeled together to offer up our petitions to God while at the same time that precious land was polluted by ungodly men.


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Jan 13, 1835