Day in the Life

Apr 1, 1838

Journal Entry

April 01, 1838 ~ Sunday

April 1. Sunday I preached to a large congregation at Mr Carvers the spirit of God rested upon me & I was strengthend
in body & mind after meeting I baptized Mrs Mary Carver in the same place whare the fish before spoken of
came to Mr Carver. We had an interesting Prayer meeting in the afternoon many were believing the solem-
nities of eternity rested upon the People. I walked to Br Ames & spent the night 3 miles


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Carver, Ebenezer Waterman
1 Dec 1804 - 8 Jan 1896
37 mentions
Maine Mission
Ames, Justus
14 Oct 1789 - 5 Jun 1861
61 mentions
Maine Mission
Stimson Carver, Mary Cooper
6 Oct 1801 - 19 Jan 1866
8 mentions
Maine Mission

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Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
Two days later, I preached to a large congregation at Mr Carver's and after the meeting baptized his wife where the fish came to him. Many were beleiving. But about this time Warren Parrish who had travelled with me in the ministry but who was now cut off from the Church wrote to the Post- master of this Island a long letter against the work of God whose advocate he had once been. He spoke favourably of my character but said that I was deceived
Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine
after this event I visited Mr. Carver at his house, and found his wife confined to her bed with a fever, and she requested me to administer to her. I placed my hands upon her head, the power of God rested upon me, and I commanded her in the name of Jesus Christ to arise and walk. She arose and was healed from that instant, and she walked down to the sea and I baptized her in the same place where the fish visited her husband. I confirmed her there, and she was filled with the Holy Ghost, and returned to her home rejoicing. I now called the people together and exhorted them to sell their property and prepare to accompany me to the land of Zion. I had labored hard for many days for the temporal and spiritual welfare of the inhabitants of those islands, and the Lord had blessed my labors and given me many souls as seals of my ministry, for which I felt to praise Him; and now I felt to labor quite as zealously to gather out those who had embraced the gospel, and lead them to Zion. The worst difficulty which the Saints had to contend with in that day was from false brethren. Warren Parrish, who had been a prominent elder in the Church, and had labored with me as a missionary, had apostatized and been cut off from the Church. Learning that I was building up branches of the Church upon the island, he and other apostates conspired to block up my way by writing lies to the people and stirring up a spirit of mobocracy upon the islands. They succeeded in exerting a strong influence with the wicked, but I knew they could not hinder the work of God.


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Apr 1, 1838