Day in the Life

Nov 2, 1838

Journal Entry

November 02, 1838 ~ Friday

2nd We rode into Buffalo & spent several hours in the city Elder M Holmes took the steam boat Erie for
Fairport we left Buffalo & travled to Hamburg & put up for the night at the farmers hotel {Distance} 19


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Holmes, Milton
16 Jan 1811 - 30 Apr 1881
218 mentions
Maine Mission


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Autobiography 1882 Leaves from My Journal

On the Elder Milton Holmes left us, and took steamer for Fairport; and two days afterwards a little boy of Nathaniel Holmes', about six years of age, died, and we had to bury him at Westfield. The roads finally became so bad and the cold so severe that Nathaniel Thomas and James Townsend concluded to stop for

Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865

Fill up the interval from to with the journey and casualities of camp life including a severe attack of something like the colera upon myself and the sickness of several children one of whom afterwards died. At this date our company began to seperate Elder M. Holmes took steam boat at Buffalo for Fairport and after another day's travel brother Cyrus Sterrett and his family and brother Wahitley and family returned to the city of Buffalo to spend the winter as the expence was so great it was thought we could not all get to Zion. So they stoped to labour and brother Thomas let them have a span of horses and a waggon to help them up in the Spring. Here it should be observed that in the very starting of this company Nathaniel Thomas had cheerfully steped forward to the assistance of the poor and invested about 1000 dollars for waggons horses tents &c to fit out this company while others who possessed this world's goods also, drew back and did not go with the poor lest they should be under the necessity of assisting.

Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine

On the Elder Milton Holmes left us, and took steamer for Fairport; and two days afterwards a lit- tle child of Nathaniel Thomas', about six years of age, died, and we had to bury it at Westfield.

Daybook (3 October 1838 - 4 March 1839)

2nd We rode into Buffaloo & spent several hours. Elder Holmes took the Steem Boat Eriea for fairport We left Buffaloo & travled to Hamburg & put up for the night with Mr Vermane farmers hotel Distance 19 m ^A horse kicked my hat off^


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Nov 2, 1838