11 The road was dry smooth & dusty & the weather wearm we travled to Menhaten & spent the night at at an Inn whare
I suddenly herd of the DEATH OF BROTHER ASAHEL H. WOODRUFF, who DIED at Terre Haute
Indiania on the 18th of Oct 1838 at 3 oclock in the morning [FIGURES] I also read in the Wabash
Courier published at Terre Haute an account of the Administrator's sale of the property of Brother ASAHEL
It was sold on the 4th of Dec for about $3000 dollars Mr Robert A Smith was his Administrator. O Brother Asahel
thou art gone I shall warn thee no more nor see thy face in the flesh untill the resurrection. How uncertain is life. How
sudden thy earthly hop[e]s have fled!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [FIGURE] I also read in the same paper an account of the horrid butchery
of eighteen Latter Day Saints in Davis County Mo by the wicked mob. O Lord hasten the day for the reign of righteousness. 31
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