April 7th I called at Elder P P. Pratt's Book store
47 Oxford Street & found his house full of Elders
many of whom were about parting to go into
their field of labour. The clerk of our conference
was sumwhat in trouble as he had this morning
lost all of the minutes of the conference, & had
to write them over before they could go to press
The Twelve spent a little time in council in the
fore part of the Day. In the afternoon the
Twelve and all the American Brethren, went to Br
Millers & took tea & had an interesting visit
together. Before we left, the Twelve lade hands
upon the head of Elder Kimball Orson Hyde
& Blessed him in the name of the Lord, as he had
been set apart by the first Presidency to take
a mission to the Holy land, the city of Jerrusalem
whare Jesus Dwelt, for the purpose of laying
the foundation of a great work in that land, this
is the first mission that any man has taken to
the land of Asia belonging to the Church of Christ
of Latter Day Saints. Much of the Spirit of
God rested upon us when we blessed him Elder
Kimball was mouth & Elder Taylor scribe
I walked Into the city with Br Young & we
bought each of us a pair of Pebble specticeles for
the eyes Also a small spy glass, pebbles were
14/ shillings, the spy glass 3/6. I wrote a letter
to Sister Margarett Morgan
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