The council of the Twelve assembled at Manchester
in the Carpenters Hall, on the 6th day of April 1841 for
the first time to transact business as a quorum in a
foreign land; being the first day of the 12th year of the
rise of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Nine of the quorum were
present viz B. Young H. C. Kimball O. Hyde, P. P. Pratt
O Pratt W. Richards, W. Woodruff J. Taylor &
Geo. A. Smith.
President Young having
called the house to order & organized the conference
then opened by Prayer
Elder Thomas Ward was then chosen clerk
The President then made some introductory rema
rks relative to the organization of the Church in the
house of the Lord in America in refference
to the different quorums in their respective orders and
Authorities in the Church
The representations of the Churches & conferences
throughout the Kingdom were then called for
(which were represented as follows) [FIGURE]
*Near eight hundred Saints have emigrated to America during
the past season who are not included in this representation
After these representations the conference adjourned
at 12 o'clock till 2 P.M.
The conference met pursuant to ajdjournment. Opened
by Prayer
Scattering members were then represented consisting
of near 50 not included in any of the Above branches
The President then proceded to make some remarks
on the office of Patriarch and concluded by moving
that Elder Albertson be ordained to that office.
This was seconded by Elder Kimball and carried unanimou-
Resolved that
D. Watt Thomas Richardson
G. J. Adams James Whitehead
Amos Fielding Thomas Dunville
Wm. Kay James Galley
John Sanders & George Simpson
J. Riley Be ordained High Priest
Resolved that the following persons be ordained Elders
viz Wm. Miller, Joseph Brotherton
Wm Leach Richard Benson
John Sands, Theophilus Brotherton
Wm Moon John McIlwrick
Wm. Hardman & Wm Green
Wm. Black
John Goodfellow ***
The council then proceded to organize all the
churches into conferences throughout the Kingdom
& appoint presiding Elders over them
The conference then adjourned till 7 o-clock
Met pursuant to ajdjournment open by prayer & singing
The Patriarch P. Mellen was then called upon to pronou
nce a patriarchal blessing upon the head of John Albertson
Previous to his being ordained to the office of Patriarch
He then laid his hands upon him & Blessed him ** See
Millennial Star 303 page
The Twelve then lade hands on J. Albertson & ordained him
to the office of Patriarch
The High Priest & Elders were then ordained, & much
council was given from the President & others of the Twelve
A vary richly ornamented cake a present from New York
from Elder Adams wife to the Twelve was then exhibited to
the meeting. This was blessed by them & distributed to all
the officers & members & to the whole congregation
consisting of about seven hundred people. A large fragmen[t]
was left for some who were not present, while the cake
was passing P. P. Pratt composed the following lines
When in far Distant regions
As strangers we roam
Far away from our country
Our friends and our home
When sinking in sorrow
Fresh courage we'll take
As we think on our friends
And remember the CAKE
Elder O. Hide appealed powerfully
to the meeting & covenanted
with the Saints present in a
bond of mutual prayer During
his mission to Jerrusalem and the
east which willas sustained on
the part of the hearers with
a harty Amen
Elder Joseph Fielding made
some remarks, & spoke of
the rich cake, considered it
a type of the good things of
that land from whence it
came & from whence they
had received the fulness of the
gospel** After a hymn was
sung, Elder Young blessed the
congregation and dismissed them
Brigham Young Chairman
Thomas Ward Clerk
The number of official members
present at this conference was then
taken viz
Quorum of the Travelling High Council | 9 |
Patriarchs | 2 |
High Priest | 16 |
Quorum of the Seventies | 2 |
Elders | 31 |
Priest | 28 |
Teachers | 17 |