Day in the Life

May 16, 1843

Journal Entry

May 16, 1843 ~ Tuesday

May 15, , , , , & 20 I spent the time at the
Printing oOffice. During the week I herd several
lectures deliverd By Elder D. Watt upon the
science of Phonography which is writing
from sound his remarks appeared rational
& shows an improvement in short hand in
reporting & other writing


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The inhabitants of this continant anciently were so constituted & were so determined & persevering either in righteousness or wickedness that God visited them immediately either with great Judgments or blessings.
~ Joseph Smith

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Letter to Aphek Woodruff, 16 May 1843
Nauvoo Dear Father I have had it in my heart for a long time to write a Letter to you & express my feelings to you upon a few Items but I have delayed it untill the present time. Brother Wooley arived at Nauvoo last night. I called upon him this morning & Enquired concerning you & the family & he informed me that he stayed with you. I think one day & knight spoke of the situation & hea[l]th of Mother Eunice & Br Webster & informed me that he her^a^d^r^d Before he Left Connecticut that Brother Webster had got about again & a prospect of getting well & that Eunice health was better. I Received a Letter from Mother Making mention of the Misfortune of Brothr Webster I was sorry to hear it for I have passed through some such things & know what they are. Amid the great variety of Business, Duties & Reflections & meditations that have surrounded me During the Last few months their is one subject that at times has rested with wait upon my mind viz. the Duties we owe towards our Fathers. There was a prin- cipl in exercise in the days of the par^t^riarch's & prophets & ancients Saints in Regard to their fathers whether they were Dead or alive that is not Regarded among the gentiles at the present day Anciently even the burying place of the fathers was held most sacred & Esspecially a burial of the Saints was much Desired & sought for as In the case of Joseph he made his kindred or children covenant to ta Before he died to take his bones to Canaan & bury them with his Fathers their were certain Reasons why Joseph wished his body to be laid with his fathers & the Righteous; one of which it may not be improper to mention, that when the trump shall sound & the graves be opened that they may have the privilege of first shaking hands with their Fathers & their children amid the salutations of O my Father & O my Son; a Blessing & privilege which the Ancients sought for in their day & generation was a Burial with the wrighteous


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford assists in publication of the Nauvoo Neighbor (published until Saints leave Nauvoo in 1846).
Wilford serves fourth mission in Eastern United States (with other apostles) to raise funds for temple.

May 16, 1843