June 11th [Joseph Smith Papers Document] A large assembly of Saints met at
the Temple & were addressed by president
Joseph Smith He took for the foundation
of his discourse the words of Jesus to the
Jews how oft would I have gatherd you
togetherd as a hen gathereth her chickens under
wings But ye would not &c. [Matthew 23:37] He then asked
what was the object of Gathering the Jews
together or the people of God in any age of the
world, the main object was to build unto the
Lord an house whereby he could reveal
unto his people the ordinances of his house
and glories of his kingdom & teach the peopl
the ways of salvation for their are certain
ordinances & principles that when they are
taught and practized, must be done in a place
or house built for that purpose [Doctrine and Covenants 124:37-39] this was
purposed in the mind of God before the
world was & it was for this purpose that God
designed to gather together the Jews oft
but they would not it is for the same
purpose that God gathers togethe[r] the people
in the last ^days^ to build unto the Lord an house to
prepare them for the ordinances & endowments
washings & anointings &c one of the
ordinances of the house of the Lord is Baptism
for the dead, God decreed before the foundation
of the world that that ordinance should
be administered in a house prepared for that
purpose. If a man gets the fulness of God he has
to get [it] in the same way that Jesus Christ obta-
ined it & that was by keeping all the ordin-
ances of the house of the Lord. Men will
say I will never forsake you but will
stand by you at all times but the moment
you teach them some of the mysteries of God
that are retained in the heavens and are
to be revealed to the children of men when
they are prepared, Tthey will be the first
to stone you & put you to death. It was the
same principle that crusified the Lord
Jesus Christ. I will say sumthing about the
spirits in prision, theire has been much
said about the sayings of Jesus on the cross
to the thief saying this day thou shalt
be with me in paradise [Luke 23:43]. The commentators
make or translators make it out to say
Paradise but what is Paradise it is a modern
word it does not answer at all to the original
that Jesus made use of, their is nothing
in the original in any language that signif-
ies Paradise. But it was, this day I will
be with thee in the world of spirits & will
teach thee or answer thy inquriiries. The
thief on the cross was to be with Jesus
Christ in the world of spirits he did not
say Paradise or heaven. The doctrin
of Baptism for the dead is clearly shown
in the new testament & if the doctrin
is not good then throw away the new testa
ment but if it is the word of God then
let the doctrin be acknowledged & it was
one reason why Jesus said how oft would
I have gatherd you (the Jews) together
that they might attend to the ordinance
of the baptism for the dead as well as
the other ordinances, the Priesthood
Revelations &c. This was the case on the
day of Pentecost these Blessings were
poured out upon the deciples, on that
Their has been Also much
said about the word Hell & the sectarian
world have preached much about it
but what is hell, it is annother modern
term it is taken from hades, the greek
or shaole, the (hebrew) & the true sig-
nification is a world of spirits.
Hades shaole paradise, spirits in prision
is all one it is a world of spirits, the
righteous & the wicked all go to the same
world of spirits
but says one I believe in one hell & one
heaven all are equally miserable or equally
happy, but St Paul informs us of three
glories & three heavens he knew a man
caught up to the third heavens, & Jesus
said their were many mansions in my
Fathers kingdom [John 14:2]. Any man may believe
Jesus Christ is good & be happy in it & yet
not obey his commands & at last be cut
down by his righteous commandmends
A man of God should be endowed with
all wisdom knowledge & understanding
in order to teach & lead people. The blind
may lead the blind & both fall into the
deatch together;
Their is much
said concerning God the Godhead &c
the scripture says their is Gods many &
Lords many, the teachers of the day
say that the father is God the son is God
& the Holy Ghost is God & that theiry are
all in one body & one God. Jesus says or
prays that those that the father had
given him out of the world might be
made one in us as we, are one, but if
they were to be stuffed into one person
they would make a great God. If I
were to testify that the world was
wrong on this point it would be
true. Peter says that Jesus Christ
sat on the right hand of God any
person that has seen the heavens
opened knows that their is three
personages in the heavens holding
the keys of power. As the father
hath power in himself so the Son
hath power in himself. then the
father has some day laid down his body
& taken it again ^so he has a body of his own^ So has his Son a body of
his own so each one will be in their own
Many of the sects cry out O I
have the testimony of Jesus, I have the spirit
of God But away with Jo. Smith he says he
is a Prophet But their is to be no Prophets
nor revelations in the last days; But
stop sir the Revelator says that the testimony
of Jesus is the spirit of Prophecy [Revelation 19:10] so by your
own mouth you are condemned.
But to the text why gather the people together
in this place for the same purpose that
Jesus wanted to gather the Jews, to receive
the ordinances, the blessings, & the glories
that God has in store for his Saints. And
I would now ask this assembly and all the
Saints if they will now build this house
& receive the ordinances & Blessings which
God has in store for you, or will you not
build unto the Lord this house & let him pass
by & bestow these blessings upon another
I pause for a reply
After Joseph closed Elder Cutler spoke
concerning the Temple & also the Death of
Elder Elias Higby one of the Temple Committee
who Died June 8th 1843 Aged 47 years 7 month
and 17 days at the close of the meeting
President J. Smith gave out an appointmen for
the Rev Mr DeWolf an Episcopal Minister
in the afternoon.
The meeting assembled in the afternoon
& the Rev Mr DeWolf deliverd a short discourse
from Hebrews 6 ch 1 & 2 verses we herd nothing
vary objectionable in his discourse of course he
is not a mormon
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Lord an house whereby he could reveal unto his people the ordinances of his house and glories of his kingdom & teach the peopl the ways of salvation for their are certain ordinances & principles that when they are taught and practized, must be done in a place or house built for that purpose
If a man gets the fulness of God he has to get [it] in the same way that Jesus Christ obta- ined it & that was by keeping all the ordin- ances of the house of the Lord.
Men will say I will never forsake you but will stand by you at all times but the moment you teach them some of the mysteries of God that are retained in the heavens and are to be revealed to the children of men when they are prepared, They will be the first to stone you & put you to death. It was the same principle that crusified the Lord Jesus Christ.
I will say sumthing about the Spirits in prision, theire has been much said about the sayings of Jesus on the cross to the thief saying this day thou shalt be with me in paradise. The commentators
make or translators make it out to say Paradise but what is Paradise it is a modern word it does not answer at all to the original that Jesus made use of, their is nothing in the original in any language that signif- ies Paradise. But it was this day I will be with thee in the world of spirits & will teach thee or answer thy inquiries. The thief on the cross was to be with Jesus Christ in the world of spirits he did not say Paradise or heaven.
The doctrin of Baptism for the dead is clearly shown in the new testament & if the doctrin is not good then throw away the new testa ment but if it is the word of God then let the doctrin be acknowledged & it was one reason why Jesus said how oft would I have gatherd you (the Jews) together that they might attend to the ordinance of the baptism for the dead as well as the other ordinances the Priesthood
Their has been also much said about the word Hell & the sectarian world have preached much about it but what is hell, it is annother modern term it is taken from hades, the greek or shaole, the (hebrew) & the true sig- nification is a world of spirits, Hades shaole paradise, spirits in prision is all one it is a world of spirits, the righteous & the wicked all go to the same world of spirits
St Paul informs us of three glories & three heavens he knew a man caught up to the third heavens, & Jesus said their were many mansions in my Fathers kingdom.
A man of God should be endowed with all wisdom knowledge & understanding in order to teach & lead people. The blind may lead the blind & both fall into the deatch together;
Peter says that Jesus Christ sat on the right hand of God any person that has seen the heavens opened knows that their is three personages in the heavens holding
the keys of power. As the father hath power in himself so the Son hath power, in himself then the father has some day laid down his body & taken it again ^so he has a body of his own^ So has his Son a body of his own so each one will be in their own body.
But to the text why gather the people together in this place for the same purpose that Jesus wanted to gather the Jews, to receive the ordinances, the blessings & the glories that God has in store for his Saints. And I would now ask this assembly and all the Saints if they will now build this house & receive the ordinances & blessings which God has in store for you, or will you not build unto the Lord this house & let him pass by & bestow these blessings upon another I pause for a reply
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