29th Boston Conference
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter DaSy Saints
met in conference at Franklin Hall on the
29th Day of June 1844
There being present a majority of the quorum
of the Twelve viz seven as follows B. Young
H. C. Kimball, O Hyde O. Pratt Wm Smith,
L. Wight & W. Woodruff. And a large number
of Elders. Elder B. Young took the chair
Conference opened by Prayer.
Conference was addressed in the fore part of
the day by Elder O. Hyde, in an interesting manner
In the afternoon Elder's Young & H. C. Kimball
adress the meeting and also Elder L. Wight
Resolved that James H. Glines & Wm Henderson
be ordained Elders. They were ordained
under the hands of H. C. kimball & B. Young
Conference adjourned till Sunday morning 10 oclok
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I found on my ariveal to Boston puite [quite] an excitemet through the country concerning affairs in Nauvoo & reagions round about saying that the whole country was rising in arms in mob to exterminate the saints most of the inflamatory speaches and excitement was got up by the warsaw message and St Louis papers they desire to exterminate the saints from of the earth, but the work is in the hands of God and he will direct all things aright
^[FIGURE] J S H S At 5 oclock [Insertion written on the side of the page, clarifying the time that Joseph and Hyrum were martyred] ^5 oclok 16 m. 23 sec 5 1/2 at Carthage 6 1/2 at [Rochester] in the evening^ At 5 oclock this day the Prophet Joseph & Patriarch Hiram Smith fell. sealed their testimony with their Blood [FIGURE] They were murdered to appeas the wrath of a gentile mob as Christ was by a Jewish mob. Peace be to thy ashes, the most glorious resurrection to thy bodies and the American gentile nation answer for thy blood before the bar of God, and the murderers pay the price of the Lords anointed^
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