I went to the river in company with Mrs Woodruff
to be baptized, for some of our dead friends
I was baptized for five of my friends under
the hands of G. A. Smith, & confirmed under
the hands of Elder Richards. their names were
Cyrus Thompson, Sylva Thompson Hyram Barber
Amna Hart, Electa Woodruff.
Phebe W. Woodruff was baptized for five of
her friends under the hands of W. W. & confirmed
by W. Richards.
Olive Libby, Sarah Pierce, Ezra Carter, Sophia
Carter, Rachael Smith.
W. Woodruff. baptised & confirmed by G. A. S.
on the 26th of Aug. for—
Asahel Hart, Hart wife of Asahel Hart, Joseph
Hart, Sophrona Hart, Adna Hart, Eunice Hart,
Robt Mason, Erastus Hart, Milla Woodruff
Hellan Woodruff, Henry Woodruff, Laura Hoskins
Marietta Hoskins, Wakeman Standley.
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