Day in the Life

Aug 26, 1845

Journal Entry

August 26, 1845 ~ Tuesday

26 I spent the day or the fore part of it in visiting
various parts of Sheffield I visited the grinding
of raisers, knives, shears, files & the Sheffield
cuttlery from there we visited the cutlery
show room which was splendid scissors & shears
from half an inch in length to 3 feet, raisers all
sizes & lengths from half an ounce to 20 pounds,
carving knives & forks from one inch to 3 feet,
pen knives from half an inch to 3 feet. one containd
1,800 Blades cost was £500 or $2,500 another
knife containing four hundred large blades upon
which were engraved a representation of Boston
New York & many American cities & statesman
Also, those of Scotland England & Europe it was
the most costly Article in the room it was three
years in making cost was £1800 or $$9000.

After visiting theis room & parting with the Saints
we took rail road & went to the mountain took coach
road over the mountain then rail road to Manchester
spent the night with Br Shelden distanc of the day 45 [miles]


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Aug 26, 1845