5th Sunday I met with the Lemington Confer-
ence this day in Lemington & at 11 oclok
There being present one of the Twelve & one
counsellor 6 Elders 3 Priest 2 Teachers
and 2 Deacons
W. Woodruff was chosen President &
Thomas Smith chosen Clerk. Conference
opened by singing & prayer. After which four
Branches were represented containing
92 members 4 ^e[lders]^ 5 ^p[riests]^ 1 ^t[eacher]^ 3 ^D[eacons]^ and 6 Baptized
There were 2 ordained to the office of A Priest
and one to the office of Deacon under the hands
of the President. Council was also given from
the chair. The Afternoon was occupied
in Partaking of the sacrament confirmed one
& blessed one child & gave instruction to the
conference. The congregation was addresed
in the evening by the President, & followed by
Elder Hedlock we had a good time, full House good
attention A good impression was made through
the whole conference upon the minds of
a large Audience of Respetible citizens. The
congregations who had assembled for several
evenings before had raised a mob & broke down
the banisters around the stairs benches tables
&c but they were vary still while we were
W. Woodruff President
Thomas Smith Clerk
Lemington is A Town mostly sustained by
the Nobility & gentry in consequence of the
Sulpher Springs that it contains the sames
as the Saratoga Springs in America. the street
and buildings are splended
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