I recived 3 letters & wrote
3 I had another conversation with
Elder Hedlock upon the affairs of the
office I done up the 9 No of the Star
& proclamations to the Twelve to Phelps
Elias Smith Joseph Young, Webster, Eathers [Fathers]
Woodruff & Carter, I F Carter Ezra Carter
Azmon Woodruff B Cossett L. Wheeler, C
Charles Lyman Sarah B. Foss Joseph F. Carter
Freemdom Moultom Ozem Woodruff
I wrote A letter to W. W. Phelps in answer
to his I wrote in the same letter with Elder
Young I sent Proclamations to Rev Noah Porter,
Henry Woodford, Luther Wheeler Geo Cowles P M
S Deming, Charles & to many others
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I should judge from my feelings And intimations of the spirit of God that the endowment had commenced & that the Lord had commenced pouring out some special blessings upon the Saints in Nauvoo but time will determin whether this is the case. My soul has been much refreshed and edefyed of late in reading the Book of Mormon the time has come for its sayi[n]g[s] to be fulfilled
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